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Gwens IconI’ve been incognito of late.  I haven’t talked to you good folks in a while so I crawled out of my hole to have a whine and whinge, and to see how many of you are in the same situation. It’s the start of a new year – a year I know will have a lot of changes for me and my family.  I’m just waiting to see what will be the next shoe dropped… 

The holidays were joyous mayhem – a whirlwind of family, cooking, cleaning, visiting, more cooking, more cleaning, more family.  Just insane fun.  Now January is painfully slow in comparison.  So as I take stock, it  occurs to me that the Grateful Dead had it right in their song “Truckin’” (video provided below for your enjoyment)…

Sometimes the lights all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long strange trip it’s been

My life of late has certainly been a long, strange trip.  Despite my perennially creative counting, I’m still getting older.  Of course, this means my daughter and my parents are also getting older.  Relentless aging has introduced so many complications into what was once such a simple life that my mind is regularly boggled.  Not that it takes a lot to boggle this old girl, but, still, consider me boggled.

surprise.jpgFor example, I have a regular sense of outrage that my body is rebelling.  I used to prize my “cast iron stomach” that is now made of easily dented tin, metaphorically speaking.  And my eyes! Oh my goodness, my eyes.  I’m convinced signs and menus are being made in smaller type than before.

My daughter is a different story.  I made the mistake the other day of watching a video of her when she was a baby.  I could just eat her up.  She was so small, and sweet, and so very pink.  She was like a strawberry confection – red hair, ivory skin, and always, always dressed in pink.

charlie-brown-arghToday? Today she’s a pre-teen who has begun to notice boys and frequently thinks her mom is weird.  She has occasional flashes of her younger self – I cherish those times when she seems like “my little pink girl” again.  She also has regular bouts of some other entity that just makes me want to shake my mom and say “how did you put up with me?!?”  Because, as you could guess and to my horror, my daughter is JUST LIKE ME.  Argh!

Then there’s my parents.  My folks have been married for 50 years.  After college, I left and did my own thing, occasionally living at home, but mostly on my own.  I moved close to home about 8 years ago and have gotten to know my parents.  I have come to realize that they’re not only the people who sired me, but they’re my friends as well.  And they’re aging.

old-coupleMy dad has lived with a significant illness since March 2000.  The doctors told us to prepare to lose him in two to five years, or less.  As you can tell, he’s lasted much longer than that mostly due to the tremendous care of my mom.  She nurses and cares for my dad, oversees his meds, argues with doctors for the best care, and generally holds him together.  She’s become an expert on all aspects of his care.

Now Dad is getting more frail.  He’s not bouncing back from mild illness as he once did. His mind is starting to falter much like his mom did just scant months before she died.

elderly-care-wheelchairI also noticed the other day how much my mom has aged in the last ten years, and especially in the last month.  This has  taken such a toll on her.  She was once the very pampered wife of a hale and hardy man who did very nearly anything she asked. The overnight adjustment to a diametrically opposed role has been hard on her.  Now that Dad is getting worse, I’m equally worried about Mom.

This all came on the heels of my being laid off last September from a job I’d had for 13 years.  Admittedly it was a job that I had come to hate, but still…  I want to use a less polemic word than “hate” but I really had come to dread each day for so many reasons.

Keep in mind I’ve done nothing but work full time for almost 30 years.  I’ve never been more than a week out of a job in my life.  Not working – not going to work each day – has been very odd.  I have some severance that will last me another few weeks and I really will start seriously looking for a job.  Soon. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to get to know myself.  I’m even going to go back to school.  We’ll see what the future brings.

cute_cat.jpgSo all this to say aging sucks.  It has its high spots – watching my daughter grow into a wonderful young woman – and its low spots – watching my parents age.  But as Jim Morrison said, no one here gets out alive.  It’s up to us to make the best of it we can.  I think it was Chuck Swindoll or Lou Holtz who said something to the effect that our attitude in life is 10% what happens and 90% how we react to it.  Words to live by.