Ponderings: What the heck happened?!

Tweet You ever have a really good time one day, then wake up the next morning and feel like a truck hit you? Yeah?  Well, that’s where I was about a year ago.  Had a really great job, making really good money, then, BAM! a truck called “Unemployment”...

PONDERING: Life’s long, strange ride

Tweet I’ve been incognito of late.  I haven’t talked to you good folks in a while so I crawled out of my hole to have a whine and whinge, and to see how many of you are in the same situation. It’s the start of a new year – a year I know will...

THE POND: The FTC and Other Quackery…

Tweet So here’s the deal with all this review blog stuff.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has decided that blogs and other similar opinion websites should disclose when a reviewed item has been supplied by the manufacturer/vendor/seller/etc., or when a...