Whatcha doin’?

Whatcha doin’?

Tweet If anyone asked Nathan Kamp, ubiquitous (and delicious) cover model, he’d answer: Oh just creating my own web show about cooking, family, and living.  Go here to watch this beautiful man cook up a storm.  You’ll drool for multiple reasons.  This...
Erotica Cover anal-ysis and peurile-usal

Erotica Cover anal-ysis and peurile-usal

Tweet I stumbled on this link via a twitter by The Girl With a One-track Mind.  It’s an amazing article on erotica covers that made me go “Hmmmm…” I would like to see more beefcake on my hetero erotica covers, now that I think about it...
On Creativity…

On Creativity…

Tweet Some people are just too creative for their own good. Seriously.  “Overly” creative people seem to be driven mad by their creative genius.  Just look at Van Gogh and Basquiat. What is it that makes a sculptor, author, actor, etc., go insane? (And for...