by C2 | Jan 3, 2011 | Review |
Tweet C2’s review of Eternal Prey (Gods of the Night, Book 3) by Nina Bangs Paranormal Romance published by Avon 28 Dec 10 Well, faithful reader, we may as well get it out of the way, right? I know we are all thinking the same thing – “What in the name of...
by Gwen | Oct 18, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of One Touch of Scandal by Liz Carlyle Historical romance released by Avon 28 Sep 10 Sybil and I were trying to figure out if this book was historical or paranormal. We landed on “historical with important paranormal elements.” ...
by Lawson | Jul 3, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Lawson’s review of Bitten by Cupid by Lynsay Sands, Pamela Palmer and Jaime Rush Paranormal Anthology released by Avon 12 Jan 10 Obviously I’m a sucker for Lynsay Sands. When Syb handed me this book, I snapped it up. I get a lot of the historical...
by Devon | Dec 1, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Devon’s review of A Mermaid’s Ransom by Joey W. Hill Paranormal Romance released by Berkely Trade 1 December 2009 If you’ve read my reviews of the previous two installments in this series (go on, check them out here and here), you’ll know I’m a great big fan of...
by Devon | Nov 25, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Devon’s review of Big Bad Wolf (The Others, Book 8) by Christine Warren Paranormal Romance released by St. Martin’s 29 September 2009 Christine Warren’s The Others series are a set of sexy, lighthearted romps based mostly in Manhattan. They follow an urban group...