
Tweet I have been looking for this post on and off now for four days. And turns out that it isn’t even the right post. But by god I found it and am gonna repost! You are gonna read it! And like it says I. Ok you don’t have to like it but feel free to post...

Highland Wolf by Hannah Howell **Jan 2008**

Tweet Title: Highland Wolf ISBN: 082178000X Author: Hannah Howell Release Date: 2 Jan 2008 New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell returns to the breathtaking Scottish Highlands with the unforgettable Murray clan and the stunning Annora MacKay who cannot...

E-Book Readers – Whatsa girl gotta do…

Tweet … to understand these things! There are so many e-book readers out there that it makes my head spin!  Which one is better?  Which reader won’t make me eat mac-n-cheese for a month after I fork over the Benjamins to buy it? DearAuthor.com has had...