I have been looking for this post on and off now for four days. And turns out that it isn’t even the right post.

But by god I found it and am gonna repost! You are gonna read it! And like it says I. Ok you don’t have to like it but feel free to post more western recs. Or mock me for not being able to remember what I titled this… cuz duh. Now to figure out where the post with the rec’s went.

First posted on April 21, 2006

I started this in response to D.’s post Heathitis ,you say? Is it fatal?, her request for Elizabeth Lowell rec’s (to be posted) and the comment about why anyone would want to read a western… I got a lil long. Shocking I know!


I am from texas. I have lived here all my life. And omg I am a bad texan. I don’t think I would date a cowboy if you paid me. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a cowboy hat. Only boots I own have heels and I lament repeatedly that my parents bought land on what use to be a ranch and now live out in the sticks with bugs. Or the Hill Country, whatever you want to call it, the thing I stick on are the bugs and no easy access to a fast internet connection.

So ummm real isn’t what I get out of the western. [of course saying all that, the next guy I date will end up being a cowboy… oy you think after X-Files, Deadwood, Romance Novels and westerns I would know whatever I mock I am gonna love later]

I like the ‘western’ idea.

And as wendy pointed out on kristie’s blog, westerns seem to lend themselves to great ‘themes’. Want a good cabin romances, you and me against the world, the fight for survival vs fight for a Duke to marry or just a road romance – you will find one in a western. Some really really good ones.

Keep in mind I don’t read romance to fall in love with the hero or the heroine or to want be the heroine. I read them because I want to fall in love with story, with the characters and their love for each other and the idea of a perfect HEA that is forever and evah.

Westerns should be dirty (not in a good, Sarah McCarthy or Diana Whiteside way *eg*… that is a pun… really no issues with sex… I am very pro sex… no erotica authors were harmed in that statement), think Deadwood. I mean how can you ride through mountains on horse back, with little clothes, living off the land and want to have hot sweaty sex with anyone? But I can get around them not being dirty, most heroines have their ways of keeping clean… I can go with it. And of course the hero is always the one of few guys in the area who care about keeping clean but again, I want to believe!

And I have found more than one western to make me believe. Hell I am not even one for second chance type romances but westerns can make me buy what they are selling.

So what westerns have you read and loved? Are you still a western virgin? If so look for some rec’s… hopefully tonight depending on how late I have to work. If not for sure this weekend.

And now that I know how to use the expandable thing, look for Elizabeth Lowell recs… whheee! But first I have to go… be back soon!