by Gwen | Feb 20, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Right Here, Right Now by HelenKay Dimon Contemporary romance released 26 Feb 08 by Brava HelenKay is fast becoming one of my favorite authors for snappy dialogue and steamy scenes. I’m very picky about dialogue – if an author...
by Gwen | Feb 18, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Dream Chaser (Dream-Hunters, Book 3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon Paranormal romance released 5 Feb 08 by St. Martin’s Paperbacks All hail the return of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Mojo! Dream Chaser is the first book of hers in a while that I...
by Gwen | Feb 17, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet We wanted to show one of our commenters, Azteclady, that we love and respect her. How you ask? Why, by perpetuating a typo and giving her photos of cockpuppets, of course! Enjoy! (If you’re scratching your head about this, read the comments in this...
by Gwen | Feb 15, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of The Mark of the Vampire Queen (Vampire Queen, Book 2) by Joey W. Hill Paranormal erotic romance released 5 Feb 08 by Berkley Trade Mark is the second in Hill’s tour de force Vampire Queen series. It’s an erotic paranormal that...
by Gwen | Feb 13, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet From The Psychologist (a UK periodical) via Jezebel (LOVE those gals over at Jezebel)… Bet you didn’t know that a “mind fuck” was real: We have measured autonomic and brain activity during orgasms that women have produced by thought...