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shocked.JPGFrom The Psychologist (a UK periodical) via Jezebel (LOVE those gals over at Jezebel)…

Bet you didn’t know that a “mind fuck” was real:

We have measured autonomic and brain activity during orgasms that women have produced by thought alone. During the thought orgasms, the magnitude of the increases in heart rate, blood pressure, pain threshold, pupil diameter, and brain regions are similar to those that we observe during vaginal or cervical self-stimulation-induced orgasms (Whipple et al., 1992).

And now you know why your husband/boyfriend love to take a really good shit:

For example, pleasurable orgasmic sensations from the rectum and prostate described by some men are conveyed by the pelvic and hypogastric nerves, respectively (Komisaruk et al., 2006). Orgasmic sensations during defecation reported in the case of a man (Van der Schoot & Ypma, 2002) were probably conveyed by the pelvic nerve. Stimulation of this nerve that occurs during passage of the fetus through the vagina during childbirth has been reported to produce both orgasmic sensations and the urge to defecate, indicating a convergence or commonality of effect of vaginal and rectal sensory activity. It is probably sensory activity via the hypogastric nerve that induces orgasmic sensations from stimulation of the prostate during anal intercourse in men, and conversely, prostatectomy has been reported to diminish orgasmic sensation (Koeman et al., 1996).

You are now informed.  Back to your regularly scheduled programming…faye.jpg


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