by Gwen | Mar 12, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet Sherrilyn Kenyon wrote a post a couple of days ago that has just stuck with me. And stuck and stuck and stuck. I can’t get it out of my head. Please take the time to go read her post, “Laughter through tears.” It’s longer than her normal...
by Gwen | Mar 10, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of The Outlaw Demon Wails (Rachel Morgan, Book 6) by Kim Harrison Urban fantasy hardcover released by Eos on 26 Feb 08 I know I’m not alone here. I know there are other Rachel Morgan fans out there. I know there are some former Rachel...
by Gwen | Mar 7, 2008 | Quacking About, Romanceland |
Tweet TGTBTU friend and one of our favorite authors, Maureen McKade, had pity on our poor readers and has given us not just one but TWO, count ’em, two! excerpts of her new Forrester Brothers Trilogy book, A Reason to Sin. Read on for excerpt one of two…...
by Gwen | Mar 6, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet There was some sad news today, particularly for those of us “of a certain age” who grew up watching this man in movies, panting over him when he dirty danced his way into Jennifer Grey’s heart and our fantasies. Patrick Swayze announced he has...
by Gwen | Mar 6, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet It’s REFRESH MADNESS!!!!!!!!! Is anyone else out there having to hit refresh like three or four times to get TGTBTU to come up for you? Please comment here if you’re similarly afflicted and let me know who your service provider is (Cox, Time Warner,...