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Veena’s review of Dark Alpha’s Claim (Reapers, Book 1) by Donna Grant
 Paranormal Romance published by St. Martin’s Romance 17 Nov 15

This book launches a new story arc with a host of new characters with what appears to be almost  a zero degree of separation between the reapers and the dragon kings who seem destined to be allies.   I have to say this, because it was just so weird to see Death depicted as a beautiful compassionate woman who appears to be destined to get her very own HEA, if I am reading between the lines correctly, given the early nature of this new and emerging series I am still somewhat fuzzy on where it will go and how it will all come together, but I’ve been a fan a long-time. So I am very confident in the author’s ability to make it great reading along the way.

The reapers are like a kick-ass, all-male military team who follow orders from Death, who rescued them and gave them an opportunity to get their own back instead of fading into obscurity. This arrangement seems to have worked great for millennia until Death oversteps and orders the team to execute an order which conflicts with their moral code. It turns out that Death didn’t send them the order, but, nevertheless, the order is being executed by dark fae.

Baylon has more personal reasons than his team to disobey the order. It turns out he has met and fallen in lust with a half fae. He and his team mobilize to save this young woman, who is unaware of her roots, other than her deep and abiding fascination with all things fae. As danger stalks her, he and his teammates pledge to protect her.

Once I got past the feeling that it is another episode in the Dark Kings series, I quite enjoyed meeting all the characters and seeing the events unfold. These reapers can definitely kick ass and lay low scores of dark fae cleaning up the Scottish cities. Rhi, who is my favorite character from the Dark Kings, seems to be set to play a pivotal role. I can’t wait to get her story, because I think with all the buildup about her very own dragon king lover, it might be a fascinating story.

For now I’m enjoying getting my feet wet in a new yet familiar series  and looking to see how it will evolve in the future.

Grade: B


There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I am coming for you…

My whole existence is based on taking what Death wants. Born to eliminate Fae guilty of unforgivable crimes, my reckless, wild nature makes me the perfect assassin to carry out Death’s bidding. I’ve seen more sinister and violent dealings than anyone could ever imagine. But it was the sight of her face that stopped me cold. I’ve never wanted a woman-never mind a human-so badly; never felt my heart, hardened by death, burn brighter and hotter until it burst into flames. She is everything I desire. The kind of woman that compels you to stake your claim on her, to let the world know that she’s yours. A Reaper saving her life will only attract danger, but I vow to protect her at all costs from the Fae that hunt her, and keep safe the woman who has claimed me, body and soul.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:
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