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Veena’s review of Midnight’s Kiss (The Elder Races, Book 8) by Thea Harrison
Paranormal Romance published by Berkeley 05 May 15

Ever since I read the first book in this series, I have been fascinated with the wonderful characters and stories that have come from the author’s pen.  Julian, however, was not one of the characters who captured my imagination, and yet the author has totally reversed my opinion of him. He’s a crusty character, having been turned late in a hard life lived as a slave.  As he handles each challenge that comes his way with a rare grace and wit, he won me over such that he’s become one of my favorite characters.  The female characters in the series are admirable, and Melisandre definitely lives up to all the other heroines who have come before her as she uses her wits and charm to win the day.

Justine is a horrible witch who’s challenging Julian for the Nightkind throne. With her psychopathic behavior, it is amazing that she has a following. She kidnaps Melisandre as a part of her strategy to control Julian, and, to the shock and amazement of Melly, it works when Julian becomes Justine’s hostage in order to save Melly.

But then Melly is the underestimated light fae heir, and while she might not need Julian’s help to escape, she is definitely glad to have his fighting skill on her side as they attempt to escape the prison in which they are thrown. It’s quite a pleasure to watch her in action as she manages to outwit Justine and her cohort, as well as rescue Julian from quite an unpleasant situation.

Perhaps Justine has done the two of them a favor by bringing them together under adverse circumstances where they have to rely on each other for survival. The chemistry still burns bright between them in strange circumstances, despite their very acrimonious parting. Their enforced togetherness gives them the opportunity to clear the way between them and finally get to the bottom of why they parted in such bitter circumstances.

This story has a lot of action with pitched battles and yet it is the dialogue and interactions between Melly and Julian that make this book so unforgettable. The pacing is excellent, the story is extremely well told, and the intrigue that surrounds them from their own kind is devastating in its simplicity and impact. I think what seals the deal for me is the end and their discussion of the future that they envision for each other.  This is a definite keeper, don’t miss it. Do make sure that you read Night’s Honor before this story.

Grade: A


In the latest Novel of the Elder Races, two souls who have long buried their passions are about to be consumed…

Ever since their scorching affair ended years ago, Julian, the Nightkind King, and Melisande, daughter of the Light Fae Queen, have tried to put the past behind them—and distance between them. But when a war breaks out between Julian and Justine, a powerful Vampyre of the Nightkind council, they find themselves thrown together under treacherous circumstances…

Kidnapped as leverage against Julian, Melly is convinced that her former lover won’t be rushing to her rescue. But when Julian gives himself up to save her, they both end up Justine’s captives. Armed only with their wits and their anger, Melly and Julian must work together to escape. But will they be able to ignore their complicated history, or will the fiery passion that once burned them blaze again?

No Excerpt Available.

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