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Sandy M’s review of Turner’s Vision by Suzanne Ferrell
Historical Paranormal Romance published by Suzanne Ferrell Productions 4 Mar 15

I love it in romance when a heroine doesn’t do what’s expected of her. That’s especially so in historical romance, since bygone times never allowed women to do much of anything, let alone on their own. So Claudia Davis in this story made reading a lot more fun for me. She takes no flak, negotiates, refuses to give in, and is not about to let love get away.

Having made sure her friend Laura, who witnessed a murder, is safe and happy across the country, Claudia is now following up on the people involved in government intrigue, with only a friend and two orphan boys who are like her own. Micah Turner is also a friend of Laura and her husband, Nathan. They’ve asked him to head to Washington D.C. to take over the investigation, insuring Claudia will come to no danger. His visions have made him very aware of Claudia, and he’s now on his way to his future.

But getting close to Claudia and then trying to make her understand how dangerous this case is proves a tad difficult. However, Micah is persistent and finally comes face to face with the lady chameleon. Though Claudia is her own woman and is determined to find out what the man knows, he sees through her disguise and will play her game for only so long. He doesn’t realize how strong her determination is. The only way he can come up with to keep Claudia out of the investigation and safe is…to marry her. This is where Claudia’s negotiation skill comes in handy, pulling a promise from Micah that he won’t leave her out of the work to still be done. He agrees and suddenly he has a wife.

And what a great relationship it ends up being, both professionally and personally. They work together very well, leaning on the other when necessary to complete a mission. In the bedroom, there’s plenty of sizzle and steam, especially the more Claudia learns from Micah. Her boldness and spunkiness is a welcome surprise to Micah, adding to the growing attraction he can’t seem to avoid when it comes to his new bride.

I like the corruption that encompasses a good deal of our antecedent governmental and military leaders as the mystery to solve. Micah and Claudia, along with his military contacts, methodically and meticulously figure out exactly what’s happening, which eventually leads Micah to his sister who’s been missing. There are also others from his past who are involved up to their chins, and I love Claudia’s empathy and sympathy when Micah finally reveals all. They both come to the realization they love each other, but it’s Micah who has to make the difficult decision that will alter the path of their lives. Of course, there is so much that happens up to this point. Ms. Ferrell has interwoven a complex tapestry through so many different levels that keeps you intrigued with the turn of every page.

Claudia, however, is having none of Micah’s nonsense and takes matter into her own hands. Micah thinks he knows his little woman, but he has a huge surprise in store when he makes it back to Colorado. As much as I liked Claudia before, those scenes in Colorado before evil finds them again are some of the best in the book. Kudos to her! Of course, they have to fight off the villain who they have prepared for, but those SOBs always seem to find a way in before getting what’s coming to them. Again, everyone works together to make sure all ends well.

This is a very nice followup to Cantrell’s Bride. I enjoyed the relationship between Claudia and her makeshift family – and how Micah fits right in with them – and then once in Colorado I like that we get to meet previous characters and see what they’ve been up to, along with helping friends whenever needed. Another well-written and entertaining story from Suzanne Ferrell.

sandym-iconGrade: B


His visions of the future brought them together…

Micah Turner’s visions have brought him down from his Colorado mountain refuge to the nation’s capital in search of his lost sister. Her disappearance may have something to do with the murder of a senator and a beautiful woman who is also haunting his visions.

Claudia Davis spent most of her life in fear. Now she has the chance to put her past behind her and help discover who is behind the senator’s murder. When a giant man approaches her one night with a letter from her friend who’d witnessed the murder she must decide if she can put her fears aside and trust the stranger.

As the pair work together to solve the murder they discover a deeper plot, one that has its roots buried in Micah’s past. Can they fight for justice and their love? Or will Micah’s visions of blood and death be fulfilled?

Read an excerpt.

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