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Book CoverVeena’s review of Artistic Vision (Gray Court, Book 3) by Dana Marie Bell
Paranormal Romance published by Samhain 22 Nov 11

“The child of Dunne will one day perform an act that will change our world,” prophesied the seer.

Is Shane Joloun Dunne this child of prophecy? He’s a talented artist who sees visions, possibilities of the future which he shapes into sculptures made of precious and semi-precious metals, jewels, and glass which he conjures from the earth using his magical abilities.

Akane Russo is the daughter of the seer and a dragon. She lost her father as a baby and has been brought up by her mother, who has not been able to give her the family that she craves.  She becomes one of Robin’s blades, a sort of secret service agent working for the Gray Court.  She meets Shane when she is assigned to guard him and fights her attraction to him as he teases, irritates, and tantalizes her with small meaningful gestures like hot chocolate, family love, and relationships.  However, one night she is fed “gold” in a drink that acts as an aphrodisiac, and like a homing pigeon she heads back to Shane where she marks him as her mate.

In the Gray Court series, Dana Marie Bell has painted a fictional world which consists of fae, vampires, dragons, brownies, leprechauns, and all manner of mythical creatures good and evil.  There is a white Queen Gloriana, a Gray court with a high King Oberon and a black queen.   There are evil plots and magical creatures, interesting battles which provide the background for the passion and humor which form the core of the developing relationship between Shane and Akane.

This is Book 3 in the series, and the author has done an excellent job of developing the characters from the previous books, including the other members of the Dunne family who have been featured in Books 1 and 2.  Also well developed is the character of Robin Goodfellow, who’s the primary character in the next book.  I really enjoyed reading this book and am looking forward to Robin’s story.

Grade: A


Desire is the raw material. Lust is the spark…and love will sculpt their destiny.

Akane Russo, one of the Hob’s top Blades, can’t wait for her current assignment to end. She’s been tasked with
protecting Sidhe hybrid Shane Dunne from the Malmayne clan’s scheme to kidnap him once again. But no one—not
even her Seer half—warned her she’d have to protect herself from his heated gaze. Or that her dragon half would find
him an irresistible puzzle.

Shane knew his destined bride would never come to him willingly, but she’s stuck with him and he plans to use her
predicament to his advantage. It’s only a matter of time before she succumbs to what they both want. Their Claiming will
be beautiful beyond even his wildest imaginings—and his wild, free dragoness will finally see herself as he sees her.

Then his unique, hybrid-borne visions reveal a new danger. The prophecy of the Child of Dunne can only be fulfilled
down a path he must travel alone. To a place so dark and dangerous that not even his truebond’s flame may be bright
enough to lead him home.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

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Book Cover