I haven’t done this in a while (and have been grumpy etc – don’t worry, some rants are coming your way) – so… here’s my newest/current list of “Things That Make Me Happy.” (And yes, yes I did write it on a bad day. Oh well.)
1. Rième. I’ve talked about this before, but I’m going to say that the quality of my life has markedly increased since I discovered this wonderful beverage. (I will, however, say stay away from the lemon – not the limon. The lemon Rième is frankly reminiscent of detergent :X) My favorites thus far are the pomegranate and blood orange. Think… G.U.S. and those types of drinks – but it comes in a container that is much more fun! |
2. Tweezerman products. I have the mini slant tweezer, and the point tweezer. I love them. They are amazing. I looked for products after getting my eyebrows done for the first time in my life last year (yeah, so, I’m not girly) – and figured I should at least try to maintain it. It was my “gift” to self, since I was going to a nice salon/spa anyway to donate my hair. (Which turned into a terrible debacle and a very unhappy Lime who spent way too much money she wasn’t expecting to – but… at least some little kid with cancer has a wig of my hair, right?) It was my fourth time donating hair and I’m a bit sad I’m going to have to find a new place. |
But this is about HAPPY things.
3. New books. I’ve been saying how I don’t really know what books I’m looking forward to in 2009… well I found this magic/monster list yesterday (though I think it was really only one publisher? Eh.) and… now I have 34 books on my “want” list.
4. Libraries. I love libraries. Yes I buy books too, but I have a net worth of very many negative numbers. We won’t go into details. Uncle Sam owns my soul, because I decided to be an educated fool. So, the library is a wonderful source for books. Try it out. Many libraries also have interlibrary loans – or even ebooks for you to check out. (Can’t renew the ebooks, and no you can’t copy them etc. Try. They’ll still disappear. Yes, you can return them early to check out more. It’s fun.) So, no need for piracy, friends. There are numerous, excellent, legal ways to get books.And before anyone gets into a snit – I do buy books. A LOT of them. At last count I have well over $5,000 worth of “fun” books – so yes I am doing my part to try to help out the romance/publishing industry. |
[P.S. if you see ebook piracy etc, you should do something about it.]
5. Texting. Finally, my cell phone plan includes unlimited texting – and that is a good thing. I can finally stop yelling at people who text me, and don’t have to be miserly about responding to important messages.
6. Tim Tams. I violently love these chocolate biscuits. You… really have no idea. Think: me dancing around the house wildly. I like chocolate, but it’s not even my favorite sweet/dessert. But I love these little things. They’re Australian. Rumor has it they’re sold at Target Stores nationwide. There are articles on the internet that say so. Well, THEY LIE. Every Target I’ve been to, does not have them. Five states away, the Target does not have them. I do not appreciate being lied to, especially as it was something I was so excited about. I’ve only had two packages of Tim Tams ever in my life, sent to me by the wonderful, amazing Lexxie Couper. The second package was totally unexpected and a fabulous surprise. She is a goddess-amongst-goddesses. I recommend you support her because she is such a wonderful person. If your Target has Tim Tams, stock up. Or if you don’t think they’re as thrilling as I do, send them my way. [Ed.: Hey Lime – just for you, babe – a US source for TimTams.] |
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7. Shampoo for curly hair. Mine isn’t crazy curly, but there’s a natural wave to it – and it has a mind of its own. I don’t go for the expensive stuff – Pantene Pro-V hydrating curls shampoo and conditioner seem to work extremely well, in all weather conditions. It wasn’t at the store on my last shopping excursion, so I just bought TRESemmé- not the same, but now my hair has this whole crazy styled textured thing going on. (I, uh, don’t do my hair. No point. Would take forever and I just… no.) Either way, you always need shampoo and conditioner, of course. (And duuude. Check out that amazon links. Heck – I might start getting it shipped from amazon with those prices.) |
8. Long walks. I am house/dog sitting, and I took The Beast for a three-mile walk on walk #1 a few days ago. (He’s a gorgeous, 8 yr old, underweight 110 lb Great Pyrenees. And a champion show dog. Puppy’s life is worth more than mine.) Isn’t he the cutest thing? I felt so guilty not letting him in sooner but he was so adorable I had to snap a picture. Good thing I’m not a real mom or real pet mom – those little critters would be so spoiled. I’m such a soft touch. |
9. Another repeat that deserves a shout out, my Zeno. And also, the Bliss epilator. (I know, I’m losing my non-girly image, but I’m talking about these products because they’re the only ones I have!) Yes I know the Bliss kit has more than just the epilator. And I could cry – I definitely paid more for all of these products. |
10. My champagne flutes. Sadly amazon is all out of them. Well, this is a two-fer as I love my champagne flutes, but I also love sparkling wines, and fizzy drinks. So yes, I use my flutes to drink my Rième . The other glasses are just as nice and I know most people drink other things- so here are the links to some of the gorgeous glasses. (I almost got the highball glasses…) I’m talking about Nachtmann Vivendi Glass, produced by Riedel Glassworks. So these aren’t THE best, but they’re one of the best. After all, Riedel is good stuff. And you know these wine glasses actually have stems, which is a good thing. |
And now that we’ve come full circle, I leave it to you. What makes you happy? Any new discovery or just random thing you like? A pretty leaf, a delicious cookie – fabric softener? What?
p.s. – As usual, I have kindly provided links to all these products for you (those that I could). And if you’re at all into brow maintenance/”couture” as the site says – go to Amazon and buy now. I’m almost sad I already bought all these things because they’re like… half the price. Jealous – but at least I discovered them so I could share them with all of you, right?
Mmm, Tim Tams. My local Target sells them, and stocks them with the Walkers shortbread and other “exotic” cookies and treats. They’re slightly cheaper there than via SimplyOz.com. But I love SimplyOz’s ginger gummy bears, and when I order them I wind up ordering the double chocolate Tim Tams, which Target does not seem to carry.
Er, World Markets used to sell them, too, I believe but I haven’t been by there in a while.
jmc – I hate you because your Target has Tim Tams :X – but yay you for telling me about SimplyOz.com 🙂 (I’ve seen the site before, but hadn’t bought anything because shipping tripled the price for all items – and… while I do passionately love Tim Tams… as you can see through this post I’m a bargain hunter/can’t afford paying 3x the price in shipping.)
… I’m so not trying to be stalkerish – but would you mind telling me a general area in the US where you live? No joke, I’ve got friends around the country checking out Target stores for me.
… not that I’m addicted/obsessed or anything… *angelface*
I saw TimTams at my Target a few weeks ago and picked them up, then put them back. WHY? Why did I do that??? *let the self loathing begin*
I’m curious about the epilator. Does it hurt? I hear horror stories about those things, but shaving is sooooo annoying. A little pain might be worthwhile.
I love my Tweezerman tweezers too. They’re lifesavers.
Aaaaaannd…would you care to share the link to the monster list of upcoming books? 😀
JenB – lol – well if they have them, you can go back to Target! Supposedly they’re in the US until March. 🙂
The epilator hurts the first time – and otherwise I don’t think it’s so bad. (The first time I was like damn – redness and chicken skin going on. Tmi I’m sure but I’d rather be honest. My sister burnt hers out doing her legs, I guess 😛 but i haven’t had problems and love it.)
Amen to the Tweezerman. I’m in class now :X But I’ll try to remember to post the link later!
Hey Lime – read your post – I gave you a link to an online source for TimTams.
And here’s another shout-out for Tweezerman. I have the Slant Tweezers and love them. Have to sharpen them every couple of years, though. I use the rough side of a diamond dust fingernail file to do that – works.
I have the same kind of hair, it sounds like. I’ll try the Tresemme.
And BOOYAH on the Riedel. I also like Spiegelau – similar quality but about half the expense of Riedel. Amazon almost always has the Spieg’s on sale.
I’ve never been to Australia, but I’m OBSESSED with Tim Tams! My Target had them on sale at 2 for $5. US Tim Tam site: http://www.ilovetimtamcookies.com
Happy Hunting!
The Australian version of Tim Tams a can be found at (Cost Plus) World Market. They aren’t called Tim Tams, they’re just Arnott’s. They are much better than the ones sold at Target under the Pepperidge Farm name. The caramel, chocolate and a mint one are available.
Gwen – I prefer the Pantene, but Tresemme works too – try both?
Also – Tweezerman sharpens tweezers for free – they come with a lifetime warranty 🙂 (Of course you have to pay shipping costs but I’m pretty sure it’s in TX). Hm – I’ll let you know next time about the Reidel – I got my 6 glasses for $20. *squee*
Curtis – Thanks for the link – I’ll have to check that out … once people aren’t watching my laptop 😛 [And sales = JOY]
jenreads – Oooo… now i regret not going to World Market – I must go look for them. Mint sounds good. And – good to know the taste/quality differs. Thanks! 🙂
I am going to HAVE to look at Target but you they have tim tams ::ducks::
Sybil – 😛 betcha they do. >.< Ah well. Win some, lose some.
limecello, I live in Baltimore, Md. I’ve seen Tim Tams in a couple of suburban Targets near my home, and in DC.
jmc – ahh… thanks 🙂 I’m running through friends in the DC area … of course I always love going to the nation’s capital 😀 [esp for restaurant week!]
Great post! Chocolate, that new book smell and Lush bath products all make me happy. Can you provide the link to the “monster list” in point 3?
😛 Thanks for the update, Sybs – but apparently my cheap little soul is unwilling to pay 2x the price of an item for shipping. I saw ginger beer too, and was *very* interested, but that took shipping to $20 – silly, considering all the other items combined are “only” $10.
Nicole – I will have to look into Lush bath products. Do you have a favorite type of chocolate?
Have you tried the Tim Tam Slam?
Lush – makes me sneeze. I love them, like slabs of something gorgeous, but a lot of scents make me sneeze.
Epilators – I adore mine. You do it and you don’t have to do it again for a couple of weeks. The first time it hurts, and all your skin comes up in little red goosebumps, but after that, you’re good, and it leaves that lovely shiny conditioned skin behind.
Now all I need is a miracle diet that works.
Hi Lynne! NO! *GASP* What is this Tim Tam Slam you speak of?!?!
Lush – uh oh – my olfactory organs are quite sensitive – and I have to be careful about scents – thanks for the warning. e.g. “Amazing Grace” – Philosophy (Sephora?) makes me sneeze. :X
As for the epilator – that’s the exact experience I had. I looked at my arm and was like O_o. Of course there are a few tricks/tips to make it better.
Diet… I cannot help you. The wii fit? 🙂
And… for JenB and Nicole – here you go! http://www.mybgarden.com/home.html
Tim Tam Slam (you’ll be sorry you asked! Or maybe not).
Arm yourself with a glass or mug of your favorite beverage. Hot chocolate is pretty good, but I like vodka. Be generous.
Bite one end off the Tim Tam, then bite off the end diagonally opposite. You have now made a Tim Tam Straw. Place one bitten end in the beverage, and suck the other end.
Unbelievably good. Then afterwards, the Tim Tam will be soaked with said beverage and you can eat it.
It’s called a slam because you have to slam it in your mouth when you’re done, otherwise it disintegrates, and that would be a shame, wouldn’t it?
And don’t wear your best clothes when you’re doing it.
Have another one.
Hm… Lynne – I may have heard of this before. (Have you mentioned it here?) And… jealous. And… Tim Tams + vodka? Huh. Irish coffee I bet would be awesome too 🙂
I am so going to my Target tomorrow! It never occurred to me to look for TimTams there. I found them once at Walmart, of all places, but it was a fluke, darn them.
LUSH – a store full of joy! The Macy’s near the ‘rents has a Lush mini-store. 😀 Try the I Love Juicy shampoo – it smells like Juicy Fruit gum and lathers and lathers. And I like the Lip Service lip balm and must always have on hand the Sympathy for the Skin moisturizer (especially in winter). A Lush addict?? Who, me?!
c2 – Walmart? O_o I’ve actually gone ahead and emailed Pepperidge Farms asking 😛 Aren’t Tim Tams delicious?
Hm… I’m curious now about Lush. Is it at other places? (Sephora, maybe?)
The only thing that could distract me from discussing cookies is that dog. So cute! Because I live in apartments I haven’t been able to have a dog in years & years and it just kills me. I need to figure out how to get some pet sitting gigs so that I can spoil other people’s pets for them.
And about Lush—I’m almost 100% sure it’s only sold in their stores & on their website. I love their stuff but have to be really careful, not because of the smell but because I have really sensitive skin & I’m allergic to so many things.
LoriK – Hehe – isn’t he adorable? I think that’s my favorite picture of him. And you also gave me the perfect lead in – he doesn’t look that huge in the picture – until you notice he’s standing on stairs and his back half is on a lower step. :X But yes! Pet sitting 🙂 Perfect solution because you know you’ll be done at some point.
I checked out Lush’s website – I’m interested, but wouldn’t buy it unless I got to test it first – because I’m sensitive to smells and have sensitive skin. :\
Re: LUSH There are free-standing Lush stores in big cities (they’ve only been in the states a few years – based out of the UK). The mini-stores in Macy’s are the only other option to go and sniff the wonderful-ness. But the website is extensive and detailed with lots of reviews, etc. http://www.lush.com
You haz no Macy’s nearby? At least one in the Cincy area had a mini-store, too. As of October.
c2 – Ah – for some reason I was under the impression that only select Macy’s store had Lush products. Yes there’s one like 5 minutes away – I just never go to it 😛 Maybe I should because I need clothes…
Those Tim Tams are good, now I have to go to my local Targets and see if they have them (I hope); if not, I can at least pick up Walker’s shortbread, love those with a cup of tea. Right now I’m happy with my daily Dunkin’ Donuts and Hagen Daaz Waffle Cone ice cream – even though I’m usually all about chocolate, this is delicous, caramel mixed in with vanilla, and waffle cone bits dipped in chocolate.
Pam – Yes! Go to Target! Buy! 😀
And whoaaa daily donuts and Häagen-Dazs? I am JEALOUS! 😀 I so love caramel – I’ve always loved it – thus it precedes my love of chocolate :X And I love ice cream so much I could go for a cone, even though I’ve been home for an hour and my *teeth* even still hurt from the cold :\
Okay, must comment the donuts:
For the past several years I have not lived within 45 minutes of a Dunkin’ Donuts. They opened one up down the street last month. Boo-yah!
Liv- Whee Dunkin’! Actually, we didn’t have one for a few years either – all the close ish ones closed, but last (?) year one opened 😀 Yumm. (Although technically I’ve yet to set foot in it.) Every so often I get a major craving for their chocolate donuts.
Also – everyone! LOOK HERE: http://goodbadandunread.com/2009/01/15/big-news/