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WHAT I DID ON MY SUMMER VACATIONLooks like a lot of Simon & Schuster romance novels (and then some) have been pushed back. Thea Devine‘s next novels has been not only pushed but renamed.

In Too Deep is now Sex, Lies and Secret Lives – a title I like much better. And instead of coming out in Sept it will be out in December.

If you can’t wait that long you can catch her new novella in a July BLAZE! We should have a review for it soon…

The Guy Diet novella

LoAnne here—

Let me tell you about what I did last summer.

I went on a Guy Diet.

I decided to voluntarily remove myself from the dating food chain. It was time for a deep cleansing fast. I went cold turkey and cold baths. Said good bye to super chunk hunks. Tossed out those tempting devil dogs.

You can guess what happened: all a guy had to do was say hello, and suddenly I was parsing possibilities. You know—type “n”—not in this lifetime. Type “m” —as in, maybe baby. Type “h” —as in, he can deal with my quirks.

Quirks—that’s a diet drink, right?

It just wasn’t fair. Guys don’t obsess. They don’t diet. They don’t care. They just lop off the dead weight and move on. But women?—we make lists—girlfriends, guy friends, gay friends, boy buddies, bed buddies, boy toys, and sex toys …

Diets are SO hard.

And then, there was Jed …

Also includes novellas by Debbi Rawlins and Samantha Hunter