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hh-spotlight-logo.jpgby Denise Lynn

Falcon’s Heart by Denise LynnUsually, when I’m writing a story I’m in love with the hero. However, in Falcon’s Heart (January 2007 HH release) I fell in love with a secondary character—Jared, the Dragon of Warehaven. To my shame, I was committing adultery. It wasn’t meant to happen, it just did. Then, to make matters worse, I was struck by the dreaded author disease…the incurable “what if” malady. Question after question filled my mind. Who was Jared? Why was he called the Dragon? Why did people fear him? How did he get such a smart mouth?

I knew that Warehaven was set on the Isle of Wight. Why? (ok, I dare you say ‘Wight, Why’ 5 times fast…) I needed an area of land that was not under direct control of King Stephen or the Empress Matilda. Since Lordship of the Isle had been given to de Redvers (the only high ranking lord totally against Stephen from the word go) the Isle was my most logical place setting.

fossil1_large.jpgSo, what was the terrain like? I started digging around and at one point in time ended up here, fossil collecting in the Isle of Wight. BINGO! In my mind if a medieval warrior came across the skeleton of a prehistoric beast what might he think? Dragon? Oh, heavens yes. Dragons, dragons and by gosh more dragons.

I was dying to write the story, but I still had to finish a Nocturne (Dragons’ Lair – title to be changed – January 2009 and yes, these 21st century characters are related to Jared) and three more medievals (Commanded To His Bed – HH April 2007, Bedded By Her Lord – HH November 2007, and Untitled WIP – HH March 2009). So when my editor asked if I’d be interested in writing a story for a Halloween Anthology (Hallowe’en Husbands to be released in 1 Oct 08), it was all I could do to keep from screaming YES!

Book CoverBook CoverWhile “Wedding at Warehaven” [Ed.: Denise’s story in Hallowe’en Husbands] isn’t Jared’s story, it is his parents’ story. Brigit of Warehaven dabbled in herblore…making her the witch of Warehaven. Randall FitzHenry was sent by his father the king to wipe out the wickedness taking place on the Isle of Wight. Timing is everything—for the annual harvest festival Brigit decides to use an ancient rite to see her true love – she walks away from the bon fire and looks over her shoulder…just as Randall and his horse sail through the fire to land literally at her feet.

Isn’t that a fine way to see your future? Just have it land at your feet.

Better yet, while on the run from the evil villain the two take refuge in the caves. What do they discover? Dragon bones of course!

Man, I love research.

Take care and happy reading!