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His Captive LadyHis Captive Lady by Carol Townend

A medieval romance set in England, in East Anglia and Wessex. It is 1068, shortly after the Norman Conquest. His Captive Lady is a July 2008 release that is currently available for ordering on eHarlequin.com, and it will be published in the UK by Mills & Boon in Spring 2009.


Lady Erica had tried to bring peace to her people, so that they could join forces against the Normans. Instead she became captive to the Saxon warrior, Saewulf Brader!

Wulf was, in truth, a Norman captain spying on the enemy. Chaste yet fearless Lady Erica wasn’t part of his plan. Her beauty was as disarming as it was captivating, but Wulf knew that once she discovered his deception, their fragile bond of trust would be destroyed…

Wessex Weddings
Normans and Saxons, conflict and desire


‘We will save those for later.’

Later. Erica’s breath froze. Later.

He faced her. Smiled. There was so little room that he was scarcely a foot away from her. He was very tall this man to whom she had been given; his head almost touched the planked ceiling. Saewulf Brader’s skin was smooth and his eyes were clear. And he was, she realized with a start, examining her with equal attention. Convulsively, she swallowed.

‘Do not fear me. You are safe,’ he said, softly.

‘I…I thank you.’ Absurdly, she believed him.

Strong muscles bunched and shifted under his tunic. Saewulf Brader was the image of health. Young men, healthy young men, were, in Erica’s admittedly limited experience, not entirely reliable where women were concerned. Until today, Erica had lived a sheltered life; her high status had protected her.

Physically, at least. Physically, she was as chaste and innocent as a nun in an enclosed order.

Silently she stared at Saewulf Brader’s broad back as he worked, and wondered what was running through his mind. Tonight he had been given a trophy. Her. Could she take him at his word? Could she trust him not to…touch her?


Readers, are you intrigued? If you are, check out Carol Townend recent Febuary release (to be released in Sept in the UK) An Honorable Rogue
An Honorable Rogue

Charmed and Seduced!

Benedict Silvester is a rogue and a flirt! His skill as a musician means he is always traveling…and he charms women wherever he goes. Yet he is on a special mission: to accompany Rozenn Kerber to England.

Rose is frustrated with Ben’s frivolous behavior and annoyed that his wicked smile continually occupies her thoughts, for he can never offer the stability she craves. But on their travels, Rose begins to suspect that he may have a serious side, that Ben is more than he appears….

You can read an excerpt here and can visit Carol here. And today at 11 am we will have a guest post by Carol as well as she has a book in our grand prize basket that will be awarded at the end of the month!