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This is a question that always gets a lot of interesting answers… so please keep an open mind. It’s also something that can be rehashed and discussed quite often. What is this question you ask?What is the strangest thing you’ve eaten?Food Network

jellyfish For some people, squid (calamari) or octopus are as strange as they go. Others, have had buffalo, ostrich, rattle snake, or moose. A lot of this depends on location, culture, and… potentially how adventurous you are. Or let’s go vegetarian – seaweed? Hemp? Bamboo? Jicama?Or, what is the most interesting thing you’d be willing to eat? Beef tripe? Jellyfish? Sea cucumber? Turtle? Monkey? Banana flower? Taro? Caviar? Sea urchin? Softshell crab? Artichokes?

What about in books? Do you notice what the characters are eating? Do you have a favorite meal the characters ate? Or recipes – some authors include recipes from a novel either in the book, or post them on their website. Have you ever tried one?

How do you feel about food? Are you a foodie, a food snob, or could you care less? Do you like cooking? Have any cooking mishaps?

I admit, I’ve set off the smoke alarm and sliced open a finger before. But I still love cooking and making things from scratch. Would you rather make your own marinara or buy it in a jar? Or, do you love watching cooking shows. Food network, PBS, Top Chef, Hell’s Kitchen and the like?top chef

Do you have a favorite seasonal food? I personally love the fresh fruits and vegetables that come with the spring and summer.

And… to get this going – I’ve eaten quite a number of those “exotic” foods I mentioned. Have you had any of them? Is there a food you’d never be willing to try? Or is there something that weirds you out? I admit, still beating cobra heart is not something I’d go for. Or bugs. People used to (still do?) eat horse in Britain, and I’m sure other places.

foodYes, there are a lot of questions, but I’m curious! Feel free to pick and choose what to answer. Food is something all of us can relate to, and generally have stories to share regarding food. So, lets have some fun and discuss one of my favorite things to talk about- food!