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Fiddler on the WoofAs a reviewer here at Duckie Central, I have my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry. Which basically means that I notice stuff. And I’ve been noticing for a while that there are tons of books published by Ellora’s Cave that seem to be running on a similar theme: older women with younger men.

What’s up with that theme lately? Why is it cropping up? Are a lot of you out there in romanceland gobbling these books up?

cougar.jpgThe only thing I can figure is that EC is writing to the majority of its market–that being women who are categorized as “way older than me”. And to be truthful, the only book yet that looks even remotely tempting is something released 12 June called Fiddler on the Woof, although I am slightly frightened to read that book because in my head, bad puns belong in erotic romance about as well as random pr0n does in, say, “Leave it to Beaver”. (I will leave it up to you to provide the tasteless beaver joke that needs to go here, because I am far too innocent and pure to even contemplate such folly!)

I’m not saying that if the muse moves an author to write about, say, June Cleaver dumping Ward for the Fonze, that author shouldn’t write that book. But I am saying that at 26, the only significantly younger men in my life would be… about 18. And I demi_ashton.jpgremember 18. I don’t want to remember that particular time in my life, because trust me, I had a lot of growing up to do, and if the boys in the undergrad classes I’m taking are any indication, so do men of that age. So the fantasy doesn’t particularly strike me, and I imagine won’t until I’m well into my thirties.

Are any of you reading these EC older women/younger men books? I am perfectly willing to admit to being a snob if there’s a book I should be reading but am not that would knock my socks off in this category. Let me know. And, dude, someone really needs to read Fiddler on the Woof because I really, really want to know if that’s any good.

Also, do you think this trend is likely to continue? What do you think will come next after we’ve exhausted the possibility of older women/younger men?