by Sybil | May 5, 2008 | Excerpt, Quacking About |
Tweet Check out Gwen’s review here of Wicked by Sasha White and you can read an excerpt on her site here. THEN you can check out another excerpt… behind the cut *g* Summary: Readers first met Karl Dawson in BOUND, they’ll get to know him a little...
by Gwen | May 5, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Gwen’s review of Wicked by Sasha White Contemporary erotic romance released by Berkley Trade 2 Jan 08 This is a tale about how a boy finds a girl. It’s set in modern day. However, it struck me as I was reading it that the story could have been set in...
by Sybil | May 5, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Now with cover – Click for the full view 🙂 Thanks go to Lisa Kleypas for sharing, who by the way will be back soon to talk about Blue Eyed Devil, maybe this week (I should tell her that so she at least has a chance to say no) and we have another excerpt to...
by ShannonC | May 5, 2008 | Ponderings |
Tweet Sandy M.’s latest review got me thinking about Lora Leigh. She is one of those authors that everyone seems to adore, particularly my fellow duckies . But the two short stories I tried by her, one in the Hot Spell anthology and the other in the A Wish, A...
by LauraD | May 5, 2008 | Review |
Tweet LauraD’s Review of Fallen by Erin McCarthy Paranormal Romance released by Jove 29 Apr 08 This is the second in Erin McCarthy’s 7 Deadly Sins series, and now I’m going to have to go track down the first one, because “Fallen” was just that good. Gabriel St....