We will close the contest Wednesday May 21, 2008 @ noon. You can comment here or on the review and answer:
CONTEST! Comment here by noon CST [central standard time] according to the blog timestamp with what you like more: Hope Tarr’s historicals or her Harlequin Blaze’s. The prize is one of three copies of Vanquished, all SIGNED by Hope Tarr!
You can find all the recent reviews, excerpts and news about Hope Tarr here. She has been busy, check it out ;).
I haven’t read any of Hope’s work yet. Do I need to be punished?
Umm… I think I read one of Tarr’s Blaze books some time ago, but I never read her historicals, that I’m sure of. So I’ll go with the Harlequin Blazes, but I’d love to try her historicals :-D.
I am leaning towards the historicals…how neat that Blaze is publishing their first historical with her work!
I have never read Hope Tarr so this would be a new experience for me.
I have not read Ms. Tarr’s books but both the Blazes and the historicals sound good.
I have read much about hope tarr and her wonderful books. Her historicals interest me greatly.
I’m nearly always more interested in historicals. And I’ve read quite a bit about this one. Sounds good.
I haven’t read any of Hope’s books yet, but I’ve been hearing good things about her historicals.
I’ve not read Tarr before but I’m more keen on her historicals as I enjoy longer reads set in a different era.
I’m with the majority; I haven’t read Tarr before. Based on genre/format/etc. preferences I suspect I would like her historicals better than the Blazes. But who knows?
Man her covers are gorgeous.
I haven’t read any of Hope’s books either.
I haven’t read any by Hope either. Boy, I hope I don’t sound like a broken record!
I’ve read one of her books “The Haunting”. I love her books.
I can’ t wait to start reading her historicals.
I’ve never read any Hope Tarr… so can I please win one to get me started? 🙂