I will give Lisa Valdez kudos for saying she would update on 4/30 and, hey!, she updated!
And asks for more time and Patience. And one day she will even tell you all about why the book took so long. She also lost all her email contacts (I am thinking it might have had something to do with never answering them and the mailbox overflowing and making everything bounce…. but I am just guessing…). But join her Yahoo group so you can learn all the not!news news first!
Read the full ‘update’ behind the more tag (you know how her site likes to go down and lose things)…
Gracious Readers,
I had hoped to announce today that the once and for all, never to be revised, re-written, re-analyzed, re-worked (except at Cindy’s request) version of PATIENCE was turned in. Alas, I’m not quite there. However, I am VERY close. One day, I will talk more about the struggles with this book, and all the beginnings I wrote that weren’t really the beginning. But for now, all I can say is that PATIENCE is more than a book, it’s a virtue. And though you are likely as parched for PATIENCE as my sainted editor, I beg your indulgence for just a bit longer.
As soon as I have at last released the final manuscript from what will, no-doubt, be my reluctant hands, I will post that I have done so. I will also post the moment I have a release date from Cindy.
Also, as some of you are aware, my web-site went down temporarily. Unfortunately, I lost my whole address book. So, even if we’ve been in touch in the past, please join my Yahoo Group. Then, as soon as I have news I will send an announcement there first.
Many thanks to all of you for your continuing support . . .
Ciao bellas,
© Lisa Valdez 2005. All rights reserved.
I’m so over this. I really couldn’t wait for Patience to come out. Now I could care less.
Honestly, how long is the 3rd book going to take now, another 4 years?
She should call it Pathetic.
I didn’t expect an update at this point, so I wasn’t looking for any news from her.
Honestly –
I’d rather would have not had an update now, and instead gotten an update when she’s actually submitted it to the publisher. Or when she knows what the actual release date will be. That would mean that you could actually start looking forward to the book. Cause who knows what this announcement means – she’ll be done in 3 months or 3 years? She’s just inviting more comments and criticisms on the continuing delays.
Yeah, but if she didn’t update SOMETHING, we’d all be like WTF?! But that WAS pretty shitty making people expect SOME news and then telling them that the news is that there IS no news. Oh well, in the meantime, there are plenty of other books for me to lust after…
Well it is like she said… I had hoped to announce today that the once and for all, never to be revised, re-written, re-analyzed, re-worked (except at Cindy’s request) version of PATIENCE was turned in.
So she missed her deadline (be it to herself or whatever again) BUT she did keep her deadline to us. Personally, I think this is where she screwed up to begin with saying ok I am doing this monthly – then nothing. Then ok… really I am doing THIS…. and nothing… to have her ‘friends’ and ‘CP’s come out and go HEY she is working and doing THIS.
But not saying anything herself. So hey she is saying something now… it just isn’t what we want to hear.
I don’t get why she had to wait until the 30th to release news that wasn’t really news. I would have been fine with nothing. She could take her website off completely, and I would still buy the book only because that is what I do. I go to book store, I buy book. I don’t care about the personal struggles of authors. I don’t care about their delays or their writers block. If the book is out, I buy it, and you know, they should be damn happy that I do.
Do I like to know when a book is coming out? Sure, but will I die tomorrow if I don’t? Nope. But don’t play games with your readers. Either keep up with something or don’t.
I’d rather have nothing at all and be pleasantly suprised than have that load of crap. I’m not ticked about the book not being out yet, since there are plenty of other of authors who do know how to meet deadline who do have work out there. I’m mildly annoyed that she put a tease out that produced nothing but another excuse.
And that’s the bottom line, cuz stone cold says so.
Hey…she updated her site again…this month…and Patience STILL has no new info…but we do get to see the lovely Japanese cover of Passion….yay….
Yeah I checked on 5/30 and it still wasn’t turned in so I didn’t see why I should post about it.
BUT I will say it is good she is posting monthly now. I think really people wouldn’t be so pissy about it right now if she had kept up from the beginning.
Some would of course. But not all… who knows.
I’ll just piss and moan until it comes out but will be the first in line to buy! I AM glad she’s posting monthly too…just thought you might want to add it to the timeline!
Yes dear I will 😉