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Hi folks – haven’t been around a lot the last couple of weeks due to a work project.  But I just couldn’t pass this one up…

After I read Lynne Connolly’s report from RT about the cover model who Lost It, I wondered how does a cover model go about losing it, and is there anything we can do to help them along.  I came up with the following list.  Please feel free to add to it.  Or criticize me for being an insensitive witch.  I’m surprisingly okay with either reaction.  😉  Gwen's icon

How to Drive a Cover Model Insane, in ten easy steps…

10. Replace their baby oil with WD40 and then ask them to sit on a hard chair.  That might be kind of fun actually…

9. Replace all the mirrors at a shoot with fun-house mirrors.

8. Put Ben-Gay in their thong/jock and then make then stand still for three hours during a photo shoot.

7. Tell them they have to pose with this woman.

6. Replace their hair gel with the stuff used in There’s Something About Mary (yes I know what it was).

5. Tell them they’re actually Fabio’s love child with this woman.

4. Tell them their next Harlequin “guys & daughters” photoshoot is with this little girl.

3. Tell them the trend is hairy men, right after a full-body wax.

2. Tell them Nathan Kamp got all of the cover model jobs left.  Oh wait…

and the #1 way to make a cover model Lose It…

1. Don’t give the Mr. Romance award to them!

Any of you have some ideas on how best to drive a cover model insane?  Comment here and share the giggle.