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Book Cover
Gwen asked me the other day if the Wild books were in yet, so we could give them out. I was still something in a drugged fog from the whole trying to scratch my eye out thing (don’t ask… no, really, just don’t). And so after my, “Huh? What?” and “Didn’t you already list the winners?” and her “Why would I do that, you haven’t picked them yet, did you get the books?”

le sigh… really, it turns out often that even though Gwen is a real live girl vs a Pinocchio wooden one (although she would suck as a jiminy cricket type), it would seem many of our conversations only take place in my head (I think that might say something about me – shut up).And on that note… I have the list and I might even know how to post it but first I an going to display my AWESOME driving powers and go to work. GO TEAM ME. Prolly should make sure Hilary hasn’t forgotten about us and given away the books… that would sort of suck rocks.OW! DO not throw things. At least not yet. *I* was ill(er than normal).  So you would aim at GWEN. So it would be THAT way (pointing slightly northwest of me). Thank you. And really… I have much awesomeness planned… you want me around. That Gwen chick… she just makes things pretty.

heeeeeeeeeeeeeee I know… it is sad no one amuses me as much AS me…. 🙂