EXCERPT: The Spymaster’s Lady by Jo Bourne

Tweet The ever delightful Jo Bourne was kind enough to provide TGTBTU a pond exclusive excerpt to her much anticipated novel The Spymaster’s Lady (in November 2007). Sadly it was never posted and I know you have all bought this book already and most of you loved...

Review: Wild: The Pack of St. James by Noelle Mack

Tweet Lawson’s review of Wild: The Pack of St. James by Noelle Mack Paranormal historical romance released 26 Feb 08 by Brava For whatever reason, Russia and the wild mysteries that it can contain have been a perennial draw for me. Add in a healthy dose of...

Review: Kidnapped! by Jo Leigh

Tweet Alicia’s review of Kidnapped! by Jo Leigh Contemporary romantic suspense released 1 Sep 07 by Harlequin Blaze I enjoy Jo Leigh’s writing. Let me say, first, that I’ve only read her Blaze titles. The plots move and the dialogue is enjoyable. I...
UPDATED!  TGTBTU PSA:  Non-genital Orgasms

UPDATED! TGTBTU PSA: Non-genital Orgasms

Tweet From The Psychologist (a UK periodical) via Jezebel (LOVE those gals over at Jezebel)… Bet you didn’t know that a “mind fuck” was real: We have measured autonomic and brain activity during orgasms that women have produced by thought...