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Sweet Surrender by Maya Banks Maya Banks’ idea of romance is “action speaks louder than words” and every day is the adventure.  Don’t miss Maya’s 4 Mar 08 Berkley release – Sweet Surrender.  And don’t miss the AMAZING prizes at the end.


My idea of romance

I’m of the opinion that actions speak a lot louder than words. So it’s not a surprise that my husband and I aren’t big talkers when it comes to love and romance. We don’t celebrate Valentines Day much to the horror of his secretary. It’s not that I frown on V-day. I just feel a little silly buying overwrought greeting cards and even sillier planning a “romantic” evening on a specific day of the year. What if I wake up in a bad mood on the 14th?

But this year I was thinking about romance and as a result, I drifted back over what I perceive to be the most romantic moments (or things) my husband has done or said over the years. And since I love lists, I made one. So here you have my list of top things romantic according to Maya Banks.

1. The day we got married, we went hunting afterward and enjoyed a spectacular sunset sitting together in a tree stand. It was a great day, and I think about it often.

2. He brushes my hair because he knows I love it.

girls-night-out.JPG3. I have a girlfriend in Washington D.C. that I only get to see once a year, often times less frequently than that, and he knew I was really missing her, so on the sly, he contacted her, set up a long weekend for me to visit and then surprised me with a plane ticket and cash to enjoy a girls get away.

4. He pledged himself to be my personal bitch for a weekend when I was running behind on promo stuff. He organized the kids into an assembly line and helped me put together 900 booklets.

5. I keep odd hours and am often up until the wee hours of the morning, but no matter when I go to bed or how sound asleep he is, he always rolls over, puts an arm over me and pulls me into his chest.

6. He’s blunt, non passive aggressive and doesn’t suffer a martyr complex (God I love that in a man).

7. He does the little stuff that he knows I’m more than capable of doing, but he knows how much they annoy me, and so he does it for me.

8. He splits kitchen duty, kid duty, house duty, laundry duty, etc., 50/50 with me. (God I love that in a man) And he doesn’t whine about it. (See number 6)

9. He reads my writing and doesn’t hesitate to tell me when it’s a piece of shit. (see 6.1)

10. When our daughter and last child was born (that was an ordeal), he put one hand on my knee and took my hand with the other and told me “Thank you” I’ll never forget the look on his face or the emotion in his eyes.

I won’t ask you to list ten, or even two, but search your memory and tell me what one romantic thing your husband, boyfriend, significant other has done that encompasses “romance” to you, even if it’s not the more traditional heart, roses and profuse “I love yous.” I mean, heck, I think the thing my husband said that brought the biggest smile to my face was the time he told me that he couldn’t imagine having anyone else to argue with 😉

Comment here and win a chance at one of the following two prizes:

Prize #1 – A print bundle of a little of everything in Maya’s backlist. Some Samhain stuff, some Sharon Long stuff and some Berkley stuff:

  • Her Majesty, My Love (Sharon Long) historical
  • Seducing Simon (Maya Banks) Contemporary Romance
  • Colters’ Woman (Maya Banks) Contemporary Erotic Romance
  • For Her Pleasure (Maya Banks) Berkley HEAT

Prize #2 – An ebook bundle (winner’s choice of format).  It’s a hodge podge, as well:

  • Beyond the Night (Sharon Long) Historical
  • Long Road Home (Sharon Long) romantic suspense
  • Brazen (Maya Banks) contemporary erotic romance
  • Into the Mist (Maya Banks) paranormal erotic romance