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Book CoverSasha White just can’t get into the whole Valentine’s day spirit. Not that she’s anti-Romance, mind you, because… dude, have you read Wicked, her latest Berkley Heat release (2 Jan 08)? No, it’s the BUSINESS of Valentine’s Day that irks her.  This makes her our ANTI-CUPID.  Read on…


Hi Everyone. My name is Sasha White … and I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day.

Yep. It’s true. I’m a sucker for romance, and chocolate, and flowers, and ermmm..indulgences of many kinds. I just hate that people business seems to have taken something that is supposed to be from the heart, and turned it into something that is from the wallet.

dollar-heart.jpgIn my opinion, the commercialism and hype that surrounds this day has ruined it. Romance isn’t a getting flowers or chocolate, or having a fancy dinner out on a day when you’re told to have/do these things.

To me, Romance is getting these things when they are unexpected. When you’re thinking about a person and you feel the need to tell them – saying it with a card, or even a hunk of jewelry is all good. Things like waking up to find that your lover left you a little note when he went to work early, or getting flowers as a gift is all very romantic when it’s done just because.

The same things goes for pampering/indulging oneself. I’m single, and whenever I mention not being a fan of Valentine’s Day, I get told I need to ‘celebrate’ myself. Pamper me with a manicure or spa thing. Or with a dinner. Whatever. I’m a HUGE believer in doing this when I need it, and not caring what day it is. LOL

Don’t hate me. I’m just sayin’ we should indulge and celebrate romance whenever we can, not just because it happens to be a Hallmark Holiday.

Sasha White


Do you agree with Sasha? Has Valentine’s Day become all about the gifts and the sentiment has been lost? Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? If so, do you do anything to keep the day all about Romance? TGTBTU Devil Heart