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Met by Chance by Lynne ConnollyLynne Connolly, author of the newly released and very yummy Met by Chance (Samhain, 5 Feb 08), gives us two stories and two prizes!  Isn’t she a grand cupid?  So read on to learn more about Lynne’s views on lurve – the fictional kind and the real.


It’s all about the romance, baby!

At one point, I wrote under two pen names, worried that my readers might get confused.  Duh.  I needn’t have worried and I’m now back to good ol’ Lynne Connolly, my real name.

interview-with-the-vampire-157.jpgBecause although I write about vampires, and I write about Georgian ladies and gentlemen, they have one thing in common:  they all fall in love, at least they do in my books. I don’t do fated mates, I don’t do sex-instead-of-love, it’s all lurve.

So my vampires meet a mortal and fall crazy in love. What with vamps living for five hundred years and mortals living for around 80, they have a problem (because conversion can only be done at the expense of the vamp’s life). But they will learn to cope with it, and they will stay in love. That’s a promise.

Or a Georgian earl will meet and fall in love with a woman. But she’s a courtesan, from a different world, and she can’t enter his respectable world. They will cope with it, even if it means he’s ostracised from society. Promise.

Love can make problems as well as solve them, but my couples stay together because they choose to, not because they are biologically compelled. Not that I don’t enjoy the occasional fated mates story, just don’t write them, that’s all.


Love is…

Remember that old cartoon strip? It got on my nerves after a while, but at first it was cute.

Love comes in so many different ways. Mine wasn’t the instant ‘falling in love’ story, but it was most definitely the real thing.

pregnant_with_baby.jpgWe hooked up in college and because we couldn’t afford to marry, we didn’t. But ten years later we were still together. You know that thing about long-term romances not lasting? They lied. Ours did. We had our separate careers to pursue, so we got fast cars and commuted. For years.

Then I came to the end of a contract and we realised time was passing us by. So I decided I would give up work to have children and go back again when they were a bit older. Although if his contract had finished instead of mine, it might have been the other way about, and I would only have taken maternity leave. And we married, telling each other it was convenience and to legally safeguard our children without having to make complicated legal contracts.

But the childrens’ births meant I had to give up work for good, because the pregnancies made my arthritis worse and I couldn’t guarantee any employer would get a decent amount of work from me.

So I stayed at home. No way did he bargain for that. But he stayed, worked and looked after all of us.

That, to me, is love.


What kind of love do you like to read about?  What kind of love do you live?  Comment here and you could win an ebook download of both either Sunfire and the first Triple Countess book, Last Chance, My Love (or if the winner already has it, the next one in the series). TGTBTU Devil Heart