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caroline-linden.jpgCaroline Linden, author of regency historicals including A Rake’s Guide to Seduction (coming June ’08), shares with us 12 books she’d like to see someone write…


katieandwil400.jpg 1. An erotic inspirational. RWA has been teasing me with this possibility in their new RITA guidelines, and yeah, I don’t think I’m the only one who’s curious.

sexycowboy.jpg 2. A western where the heroine goes west, checks out the cowboys, and then gets back on the train to Philly or NY or whatever eastern (read, CIVILIZED) city she came from.

kinky_boots.jpg3. A chick-lit novel that never once uses the words Prada, Manolo, or Ferragamo. Or even references shoes. They’re barefoot the whole time.

daniel-radcliffe.jpg 4. Harry Potter 6.75, where Snape and Harry come face-to-face before Snape kicks it, and duke it out. (I am sure this happens in a great deal of fanfic, etc., thanks for not sending me links to it anyway.)

harvey-birdman.jpg 5. A lawyer hero who doesn’t practice criminal law. C’mon, those real estate attorneys need love, too!

underdog.jpg 6. A paranormal hero who isn’t the alpha leader of his pack/tribe/coven/pod/whatever. C’mon, the lesser immortals need love, too!

 rhett-leaves-scarlett.jpg 7. A book where Suellen O’Hara finally gets—and keeps—a man of her own (and if she hits on Rhett along the way for revenge, I’m down with that, too).

casablanca-last-scene.jpg 8. A book where Rick Blaine from Casablanca isn’t walking into the sunset with Capt. Renault at the end.

girlgang.jpg 9. The Red Stiletto Sisterhood (or the White Mirror Sisterhood or whatever it should be called). Aren’t there some kick-ass female vamps out there? Ann Christopher, I’m counting on you here…

wicked-witch.jpg 10. A romantic suspense villain who isn’t a serial killer.

rosetta_stone.jpg 11. A totally accurate historical romance, complete with details of bathing procedures and habits, location and style of toileting facilities, prevalence of poverty, and high infant mortality.

legolas_orlando.jpg 12. A tale of mad-hot elf love (follow the linkie).