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candy-apples.jpgWhat do I want to dress up as for Halloween this year?

Easy. Whatever gets me the most candy. πŸ˜‰Β 

Everybody knows that’s the real point of Halloween. The reason we dress up like butterflies and ghosts and superheroes. Sure, it’s fun and make us feel all girly-girl feminine or kick-ass strong, depending on whether you’re a fairy princess or Wonder Woman. But we also expect to be rewarded for it at the end of the night –with candy.

Like the song goes, I want candy. And lots of it.

At RWA this year, someone compared my Bigtime superhero series to “book candy.” I think that’s a pretty cool description for them — and romance books in general. In honor of Halloween and all that sweet, sweet candy coming my way, I’d thought I’d share what I’ll be picking out of my plastic orange pumpkin to read with some popular romance genres.

chocolate.jpgFor the paranormals on my shelf, there really is only one choice — dark chocolate. All those dark, dangerous men deserve an equally dark, luscious treat to go with them. Don’t you think?

Historicals, you say? I’d have to go with something a bit more upscale and refined, like English toffee with chopped walnuts. Or perhaps some chewy caramels with just a hint of vanilla in them.

Romantic comedies deserve to be enjoyed with something just as light and fun as they are. M&Ms come to mind.

chocolatebars.jpgWhen reading a contemporaries, I usually grab a classic Hershey bar. Milk or dark chocolate, you decide.

A sweet or inspirational romance? I’m going for the candy apple, which is all sweet and sugary on the outside. And inside, there’s fruit. Real fruit, so it’s good for you, too. Right? Right.

dumdum.jpgAs for my books, well, I’d suggest a Dum Dum lollipop. Sweet, simple sugar. Nothing too complicated, not too much angst. Just a sugar rush when you finish it.

Of course, I haven’t even discussed half the Halloween candy out there, like Snickers and Three Musketeers and Tootsie Rolls. So many books, so much candy, so little time…

What about you? What kind of book candy will you curl up with this Halloween? What do you hope to get in your pumpkin? Inquiring minds want to know… Comment here and get a chance to win a Karma Girl and a Hot Mama t-shirt.

Book Cover Book Cover

Yours in nougat,
Jennifer Estepweeny-pumkin_duck.jpg