Book CoverA while back I went to my first evah booksigning. Wow I guess was back in March? I had gone back and forth with the idea and almost decided not to go. By the time I decided to cowboy up and just go, I knew I was going to be late.

I am, as a rule, always late. Not sure why this is… I don’t mean to be but there you go. So I walk in while the fabulous Lisa Kleypas (who is by the way currently number 3 on the NYT bestseller list) is talking. It was a booksigning for Sugar Daddy.
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After the whole Q&A thing she signed books and people lined up, as I had a couple and figured would be a pain I stood to the back and waited. I ended up speaking to the B&N events chicka and another woman who was with her daughter. As she walked away the bookseller looked at me and said you know that was Pamela Morsi.

To which I said no I didn’t but I adore her… wish she would write historicals again… prolly was a good thing I didn’t know cuz she was already giving looks like does this chick ever shut up… just imagine if I had known… she would have never evah gotten away…

Little did she know how close she came that day to having her ear talked off.

Courting Miss Hattie, Simple Jess, Wild Oats and Runabout are just a few reasons to adore her writing and to hope she gets to return to romance and to historicals.

Her next novel is set for May 2008 and is titled Last Dance At Jitterbug Lounge. I am not sure what it is about but if it along the lines of her last two it will be more women’s fiction than romance. Le sigh… if you can get your mitts on her historicals – do!
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Go check out her guest blog over at Tara Maries’s The Romance Reading Mom. I think it was set for yesterday… but I would guess if you asked questions today… the would make there way to her.

Now I seriously wanna reread a Morsi…