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Julia Quinn is one of the many authors I met at RWA but one of the few I met with. She was delightful, considering it was way too early in the day and everyone wanted to stop and talk to her.

Or she was just putting off being left alone with one of those bloggers. Either way it gave me a chance to meet two goddesses Rachel Gibson (new website) and Karen Hawkins. There may have been a few others but I think they were scared. le sigh… I know next year I will have a button ‘I’m the nice blogger’. What? Someone might believe it!

Anyhoo we finally made it to where we could get some caffeine in her and pretty much talked about nothing. Aren’t you glad I shared?

I am one of those very odd Romance Readers who had never read Julia Quinn. I had heard about her. About how great her books are and how every publisher is looking for the ‘next’ Julia Quinn. But I had not gotten around to reading THE BOOKS. So when I heard first stand alone in 100 years was coming out I wanted to read it.

Because I am a fan of Julia Quinn’s… yes, yes, yes I know I just said I hadn’t read anything by her but when I posted about her ebook project last year. She had some things she wanted to say and agreed to guest. And was great even though not every one walked away with the same opinion. I have a huge respect for that and now have read my first Quinn novel. I do find it odd that a book I just flat out adored so many people have had issue with it because they don’t think it is as good as THE BOOKS.

So of course now I am trying to read more of the backlist *g*. JuliaQ doesn’t have a blog, so this should be fun, although she is now sharing a message board with Eloisa James. I have a guest post that will go up shortly and a Q&A where you can ask some of your own questions as well. A contest of some kind… I am aiming to make it hard but we will see.