How Do you Take Your Heroines?

Tweet Guest Author Shannon McKenna I wanted to ask about your heroines, some of their actions have been described as TSTL (too stupid to live) or that they seem weak. I was wondering how you felt about that and how you saw your heroines? You know, it’s an...

There Will be Daze Like This

Tweet Two things I said over and over to authors at RWA regarding Guest Author Days are I only invite authors to guest for a book I would recommend. And this is a reader blog it is possible you could get asked questions you don’t like, are hard or uncomfy for...

Review: Demon Moon by Meljean Brook

Tweet Demon Moon (The Guardians, Book 4) by Meljean Brook Paranormal romance released Berkley Sensation 5 Jun 07 Demon Moon is a new novel in Brook’s Guardian series. Colin Ames-Beaumont, a secondary character from Demon Angel and the story in the anthology Hot...