Not much on this yet as it isn’t finished :). So lets see what we can find out…
The DEAL found at Karen Fox’s website:

Michelle Maddox’s THE CHALLENGE, about a petty thief and a hardened criminal forced to play a game together where their lives are at stake

Not much to go on there…
I do know Michelle Maddox is Michelle Rowen. No worries the author is being smart and not keeping that a secret.

It has something to do with Reality TV. So that blows, oh sorry is that just me that hates Reality TV with a passion? Not to say that will make for a horrid book. Don’t know that yet. That reminds me I really need to read Jaci Burton’s book.

If actors being matched to characters in anyway screws with your enjoyment of the characters don’t click this: Inspiration

And I found a touch more info on her blog and would give direct links to each one but the blog isn’t set up to make that easy and I am lazy. So check out the May Archive to find the following quotes:

I’m very excited about this opportunity, and even more excited that I get to continue writing my book, tentatively titled THE CHALLENGE. More details soon, but in a nutshell I’d describe my book as La Femme Nikita meets The Amazing Race. Any time I can involve my love of reality TV in a plot is a happy day (However, not for my characters. heh heh)

cyberpunk reality TV fiction with a sassy, snarky heroine and a dangerously sexy antihero. Bring that mutha on. And word to the wise, Michelle Maddox writes much sexier, more violent, and uses all the bad words in her writing! In other words, and for future reference:
Michelle Rowen = PG
Michelle Maddox – R

Yesterday I sat down with THE CHALLENGE and worked out a detailed linear outline of the plot. The “reality” show” that my characters find themselves on has six levels to it and in my proposal I only had four. So I had to figure out two new ones that actually lend themselves to the plot and move the story forward. I feel good about the outline. There’s really not much more prewriting I can do. It’s as good as I can make it. Time to put my money where my mouth is and JUST WRITE IT!

You can also find Michelle blogging at The Midnight Hour.

Sooo now you know all I know or you know more and should share. We have her newest book Fanged and Fabulous (got it late have NO clue when review will go up). I think her Rowen books are often said to be YAish so it is interesting her Maddox name will be a more ‘adult’ romance. Either way works for me and I hope it turns out grand.

I will update if I find more or if anything magically shows up in my email. Or maybe Liz, Marianne or Eve have more info.