Liz MaverickBook Cover

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Tell me what to expect from Shomi in three words…

Genre meatloaf awesomeness.
(Apologies to any vegetarians who were really grossed out by that. Just think of it as the best chopped salad you ever ate.)

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What attracted you to the line?

Anytime someone says, “The world may not be ready for this…” I gotta raise my hand. Okay, seriously, now. WIRED takes the action and the darker, emotional romance from my futuristic Crimson City series and combines it with the snappy banter and strong female friendships from my earlier light comedies. Publishers Weekly referred to WIRED as a contemporary romance, science fiction, cyberpunk mashup. Gotta love that description. It’s like the two sides of Liz Maverick combined into one, the perfect project for me.
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Is your story a Romance? Where are you on the ever popular HEA debate?

I love HEAs. I can only deal without HEAs if I know there’s another book in the series coming. And that’s basically what I feel about writing them as well.

Sometimes the current book just doesn’t support an HEA for all of the character pairs…and sometimes it’s also more fun to draw out a satisfying relationship arc. That was the case in the ensemble cast of the Crimson City series with supporting players Jill and Marius. Whether or not there are ever more official Crimson books, I’ll write their HEAs. I have to! LOL.

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What is a Kick Ass Heroine? Who is your favorite?

Hmm. The perfect kick-ass heroine is one whom you could imagine actually being. She’s got the attitude (with, of course, the right dose of real-world angst), she’s got the skills… and she’s gotta have the clothes. Heh.

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What’s up next for you? And why will I want it NOW!

I’ve got two major projects on my plate. I’ve just signed a deal with manga publisher TOKYOPOP to work on their flagship series, Princess Ai. That’s going to be a whole new world for me! I’m also working on a sequel to WIRED featuring the old posse plus some really fab new characters.

Now it is your turn. Got a question for Liz about Shomi? About her next project? Wanna know why she never updates her blog, ask about the green parrot or what’s up with her and Vanilla Ice? This is the place to do it.

Of course I can’t promise she will answer everything but you are welcome to try ;). She will be checking in here over the next three days. Have fun!