Jennifer Estep
First of all, let me say that I am completely anal retentive. Obsessive compulsive. Detail oriented, as my significant other says. I like neatness. Order. Tidy stacks and piles. Everything in its place, and a place for every thing.

In other words, I am stark raving mad.

My desire for order above all else even extends to my books – and my book database in particular. Yes, Virginia, I have a database of all the books I’ve read with the author, the year the book came out, and my ranking (1, 3, 5, 7, and 10, with 10 being the best). I recently added a new field for the year that I read the book.

I’ve kept this database ever since high school, when I scribbled it down in a notebook. Since then, it’s gone through several incarnations and moved from computer to new computer. Right now, I’m at just over 800 books read. Some of my recent reads include Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, Demon Angel by Meljean Brook, and High Profile by Robert Parker.

I thought I was the only person in the whole world who kept a database of the books she’d read, until I started reading some of the romance blogs a couple of years ago. But I discovered something wonderful – there are lots of people out there who do the exact same thing that I do. Some of them are even more serious about it than I am.

Which means that I am not alone in my insanity. Yeah!

Keeping a list may seem silly to some, but I enjoy it. More importantly, it helps me keep track of all the authors I’ve read and enjoyed in the past. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been putting in a new entry when my eye’s caught on an author that I hadn’t thought about in a while. More often than not, I go to Amazon and find out to my delight that they’ve released a couple of books since last I read them. A couple of clicks, and bada-bing, bada-boom, Jen has more cool books to read.

So, yeah, I’m anal retentive. Obsessive compulsive. Detail oriented.

And proud of it.

What about you? Do you keep a list of all the books you read? Inquiring minds want to know …