bibliophage-by-kathianta.pngClaire CrossMy top five reasons to fling a book into the wall (or the eternal void) would be:

1. Backstory – it’s supposed to be woven in, not dropped like boulders
into the plot

2. Changing POV – there are no POV cops, it’s true, but if they ever start recruiting, I’ll be first in line.

3. Sloppy Worldbuilding – if the story’s future planet is populated by peace-loving vegetarians, where did the hero get his leather jacket?

4. Lame Dialogue – I dearly love dialogue and I love good dialogue better. If the characters sound like people in the line at the grocery store, I want to dig out my red pen and delete chunks of text.

5. Unredeemed Characters – I will read an unsympathetic protagonist, just out of curiosity, but if there is no sign of a character arc, of that character changing or opening or being redeemed or just becoming worth the trouble of my having plunked down my cash for the book, well, I get cranky.

What about you? What makes you take aim for the wall?