read  by KathiantaI am one of those readers that probably annoy authors. You know the type. The reader who has certain themes, plots or genres wrapped up in police tape. More often than not I take note of the yellow warning and do not cross.

Yes, I know it could be THE BEST book ever. Or my life could be missing out by neglecting to read this book. Or author x could transcend all things and make me love her words regardless of the cheating ho of a hero, the love triangle, 1st person POV, slapsticky would be woman’s fiction or inspirational novel that it is.
to read
It would take me a few years to read every book on my tbr piles. Maybe longer… So if I have all these books right here that I WANT to read, I have a hard time getting why I need to step outside of my box. It is comfy in this box. And hello, book budget, let me cross off this must buy book because of a maybe will like book!?!. Nope that takes like xina to rec it or something.

Of course there are times that the bookfairy dropped off packages that leave me humming Darling Nikki and wondering if I should worry some one some where thought I might like this book. Only to have another bookfairy drop off a package the next day that has my hands burning a little and leaves me wondering how I annoyed that them.

And then there are the chick lit, women’s fiction and just-what-in-the-heck-is-this books. Do you know what I do with those? I read the backcover and then do something else that will leave some authors shaking their heads at me and others gasping in horror!
YES! I read the last page. Or two. I look for the HEA. Then if I am still interested, I flip the book open – skim a page or two. At that point, there have been a few books I have sat down and started the book – just to see.

There was one book that had me stopping and wondering ‘Why am I reading this?’. It had me saying, ‘Self, you don’t like these type of books.’ It had me wondering WHAT type of book it was. It had me wondering, turning pages, needing to know more, feeling for characters I didn’t think I should care at all about.

It had me closing the book and thinking ‘Self, I don’t really know what that was but it was good and I should see what other people think of this person.’. It had me wanting to say…

Readers you might not normally read this type of book. You may stay away from this. Maybe this isn’t something think you should read but. but. but. but. Ahhh yes, it had me want to say – Try it, who knows you might like it.

And if that doesn’t scream for a Guest Author Day I don’t know what does. So I ran to my computer to dash off a note to the bookfairy to see if the author could guest. I looked at evolkatstheir site to see when this nifty book that had me giggle, laugh, shake my head and at times touch my heart as I wipe that one lone tear that would fall from my eye.

To find out the book come out in November of 2006!?!

So my thought was, now what?

to be continued….