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Just SexJust Sex by Susan Kay Law **June 5, 2007**

Check out her site, it has been redone. And there is a new excerpt up or at least new to me. LOL I said I would end up reading this right ;). I will tell you what I think of the book soon.

Ellen just got handed the
dream of half of the wives in
America—her husband told
her to have an affair.

With her CEO husband, her kids, and her house keeping her busy, passion was never Ellen’s first priority. But somehow her husband managed to make time in his schedule for it—with other women. Now he wants Ellen to believe that his reckless liaisons were nothing more than “just sex.” In fact, he’s so desperate to prove his point that he’s challenged her to find out for herself.

After so many years, Ellen is hauling out her rusty flirting skills and following her free-spirited best friend into a world she thought she’d left behind at the altar. She might not have any more faith in this marriage, but she’s about to find some in herself—and what starts out as “just sex” might end up being a second chance to find something better.

hmmmm… well… uh…

Have I mentioned how much I like Susan Kay Law’s historicals? I have seen this title mentioned with other books from historical greats moving to… whatever you want to call this… women’s fiction? contemporary fiction? stuff sybil really doesn’t want to read? kicking the historical fan while she is down? soon to be lifetime movie of the week?

I am sure there is some sort of label for it. But… is this REALLY the dream of half the wives in America? More importantly…

Is this really what readers want? Or is this like all the editors buying paranormal in bulk while readers seem to be ready to put on the brakes.

Some of the sales points say this is “smart women’s fiction”, “a great premise” and “will appeal to thirty to forty something readers”. Really? What do you guys think?

Personally I think the premise bites and is down right depressing. Of course I am on the low end of 30 but hey I will be 31 in three days. And I read romance… I want the HEA. I like the hope it has and the fact (if the author does her job well) at the end I will have a H/h I like.

Maybe it has to do with I don’t put myself in the place of the heroine. I don’t want to be her or need to feel a connection. I don’t want to fall in love with the hero. I want to fall in love with their love story. At the same time I don’t need to be empowered by her or inspired. Maybe it has to do with the fact I believe more in JUST SEX than I do HEAs , soul mates and fidelity. I don’t need real life in my fiction, I want possibilities. Prolly why I think women’s fiction sucks, well and it makes me cry and generally not in a good way.

But does this appeal to the rest of the world? Should I expect to keep losing great authors to this stuff? I know we are a very small portion of the readers out there but who read this summary and thought hot damn I WANT that book.

Other than cece of course… cuz this has her name all over it *g*