
I am thinking very bad thoughts.

From Tanzy of Fresh Fiction:

For the past year, Jill Marie Landis has been looking to expand into a second writing niche. She’s excited to announce that her next two books will be western historicals published as single-title paperbacks for Steeple Hill, an imprint of Harlequin.

Set in the old West, in a small town called Glory, Texas, Jill Marie promises “the same kind of unforgettable characters, memorable settings and heartwarming stories that my readers have come to expect, but these new books are Inspirational in content and also appeal to a Christian audience.” She goes on to say, “As with any new endeavor, this one is both challenging and exciting, but at this point I feel the first of the two books I’ve written is definitely ‘inspired.'” Publication of her first book won’t be until summer 2008, but she’ll keep us informed as things progress.

For anyone taking notes, this isn’t at all what I meant when I cried for more westerns. Nope not at all. Not even a little. And you have no idea how tired I am of seeing a blurb that makes my heart go pitter pat and sqqquuueee western to then see sold to some type of inspirational line.

le sigh

I am not saying inspirational is bad or that they shouldn’t have nifty western settings. But COULDN’T THEY SHARE? uuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh