Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red) Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red) Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red)

Alluring Tales Author:

Sylvia’s Q&A

small qmarkWhy do you have a group blog? What do you feel Allure Authors has to offer the reader encourage them to make you a daily stop?

We’re deleting our group blog, actually. We couldn’t give it the attention it deserved.

small qmarkIt seems to have been a pretty amazing year for all of you. What project are you or were you most excited about that has signed in the past year?

Of my own projects, I’m most anxious about my two series — the Dream Guardians series and my Sapphire series. The Dream Guardians series is my first contemporary paranormal and my first real series. Pleasures of the Night (Dream Guardians, Book I) (April 24) is my first Book Club selection — it’s a Featured Alternate of the Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Clubs, and a selection of the Science Fiction Book Club — so my work will be exposed to a much larger audience than I’m used to reaching in trade paperback.

My SAPPHIRE series is fantasy romance and it’s been my favorite story for a long time. I wrote it back in 2004 and got sidetracked with other things. It’s ‘different’ and it’s also releasing in mass market, which is a goal I’ve been struggling to attain for a couple years now.

small qmarkHow do you feel you have benefited from Allure Authors?

Basically, there are some people who see hurdles and stumble, and some people who see hurdles and run faster/jump higher. The Allure Authors, for the most part, are the latter. It’s why our dynamic works so well, I think.

small qmarkWhat is the biggest mistake you think an author can do blogwise?

Blog under duress or be overly personal.

small qmarkHave your views of the Internet, blogs and or websites changed in the past year? How?

I used to start off every morning with a cup of coffee and a round of blog hopping. That would put me in the mood to write. Then I started finding myself drained by bloghopping and less inclined to work. Once I stopped enjoying it, I stopped doing it.

As for the net as a whole, I think a comprehensive, well-designed, easily navigated website is a requirement. Who runs a business without one these days?

small qmarkWhat is your must see tv daily blog stop?

I have no daily blog stops. I stopped blog hopping well over a year ago. I tried to hop a bit with Thursday Thirteen, but that’s dead now, I guess. So far, I don’t seem to be missing anything vital, so it works for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

small qmarkWhat is your favorite curse word?

S Day“Fuck,” because it has so many uses — both good and bad. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks Sylvia!

Now it is your turn, ask away…