Well, when it comes to man/woman/man threesomes, I think, for a woman, this is the ultimate naughty fantasy. That makes it fun to write AND fun to read.

When it comes to a woman/man/woman threesome, I think that’s interesting because the girl/girl part feels forbidden, and also like an opportunity to give your guy HIS ultimate fantasy.

So when erotica and highly erotic romance took off, this felt like an obvious direction to take it in – one of those situations that I think many people are intrigued by or interested in, but would never really do.

Reading about it gives them the chance to sort of … participate from a distance, or at least explore the topic more thoroughly. And I think threesomes will be around as long as erotica and erotic romance are around.

As an erotica writer, I want to be take readers into extreme sexual situations that they, more than likely, will never really experience. To me, that’s the whole fun of erotica – going places we probably AREN’T really gonna go in real life. And, as stated above, I think the threesome thing is an extreme and forbidden fantasy, so I tend to write a LOT of them in my books.

1vBecause I write a lot of threesomes, I’m having trouble narrowing it down to my favorite. So I’m going to state a few different books that contain the ones that are probably my favorites: Hot in the City: French Quarter, Hot in the City: Sin City, and the upcoming Voyeur.

As for ones I could have done better … hmm, I like all my scenes and if I think it could have been done better, I’d have gone back and DONE it better before I turned in the book ; ) So I’m not sure I can really address that.

**Lacey Alexander‘s first book with NAL Heat, Voyeur, will hit the the stores in May 2007. Her next book in her City Heat series, Carter’s Cuffs will be out in March from Ellora’s Cave. **