from tara marie...

Need the title of this Harlequin American book!!! Do feel free to help the hunt and put this up on your blog. Save the chickens, the book must be found!

They published a book in the mid 80’s about an Asian American couple, he was 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 Chinese and also a Vietnam Veteran. She was Chinese and her father was the hero’s superior officer during the war (at least that’s how I remember it). They go back to Vietnam on a secret mission to rescue POWs. It was an amazing romance that dealt with issues about Vietnam and racism issues within the Asian communities. I haven’t read it in years and still the story sticks with me.

Does anyone else remember this one? Title and author… anyone? Trust me people we need to find out or god knows what Bam is gonna do to a chicken. And I will post the winners tomorrow for the harlequin binge. I was a touch under the weather with a migraine.