Lover Revealed: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood Lover Revealed

J R Ward will be guest bloggin on March 9th. She will be in NY over release date and last book release she had a signing that night so Ward was disappointed in the amount of time she was able to spend here.

I know she is hoping she will be able to check in a lil more this time… but you know… she has gotten just a touch popular. LOL and everytime I hear this song I think of V… just in case anyone was wondering.

JR I am sooooooo sure you won’t see this anytime soon but good luck with deadline hell hon 😉

Lover from Another World: Ellora\'s Cave Lover from Another World

Shiloh Walker has finally given into my repeated whining and will be guesting with us on March 20th. Of course I think she picked this book just to make me read this story. So don’t feel too badly about her having to put up with my whining. Hell she claims I didn’t whine!

well about this… just in case you are not aware… please make note… shi is a brat

But she will have a contest on her Guest Author Day (as they all do 😉 ) AND will have a prize up for grabs in The Power of Three contest(s). So we forgive her. LOL

Her Only Desire: A NovelHer Only Desire

Gaelen Foley will be with us for her kick off of her new Spice Trilogy. Date to be announced but it will be March.

In an encore to the Knight family series, the Spice Trilogy features three exciting new Knight cousins who will be arriving in Regency London from India under the British Raj. Fearless cavalry officers Gabriel and Derek Knight and their gorgeous sister Georgiana are an adventuresome, exotic trio. Don’t miss out on the fun as they arrive to knock some of the stuffing out of the stuffy London ton. Georgie, the youngest, is tempted to follow in the footsteps of her scandalous aunt, the Duchess Georgiana Hawkscliffe (aka the Hawkscliffe Harlot), and as for the guys, word soon spreads among the ladies of Society that these stunningly handsome, deadly soldiers also happen to be masters of the Kama Sutra…

hmmm no excerpt is up yet… I shall see if I can get my hands on one or an ETA for a posting. So for all the people who bitched (I was one!) and moaned about lack of website updates (which she is MUCH better at these days) make note…. and come with questions.

The Allure Authors will be here as well… soon… should have dates shortly. The two authors I had planned for Feb may need to reschedule but lucky for us Lora Leigh and Lucy Monroe have plenty of books coming out this year. So if deadlines and such keep them away in Feb, it is all good.

The Power of Three was a post. LOL just a post… a ramble of a thought… that sort of grew *g*. There is a link on the left sidebar under ‘Your View’.

I will post the contest winners for Harlequin tonight and have some reviews I want to get up. So I may not have the next The Power of Three post formatted until tomorrow. ohhh and if you didn’t notice… there will be a few books to give a-way with that as well… ;).

There will be a some guests dropping in and with luck… I will have an another guest week to announce shortly. But we will see. There is always that bondage week idea *g*

And look for the return of the guest ebuzz!