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My take on Passion was a largely favorable one. I liked it. With each reread, I liked it more.

But one thing I noticed she seemed to get too involved with the discussions on message boards. As a reader I like talking about books with the authors. Yes shocking I know *g*. But there gets to be that point where you agree to disagree because you are repeating yourself.

I think this is a common first time author mistake. You want to talk about your baby. You want people to love your baby. You want people to read your baby! But it is murky water. How much is too much. Where is it okay to post? What will increase conversation? What will be a thread killer?

And I think you learn as you go. Yes there are authors… many many authors who will give you advice. Listen to you bitch. Dry your tears. And help you call those reviewers bitches! But much like your mother telling you to do things… you still have to learn on your own.

Which is what *I* think happened with Lisa Valdez and her experience with Message Boards. (please correct me if I am wrong lisa)

Message boards and reviews are what they are, reader opinion. They are not for the weak. Some are great, some are grand, some are wonderful and some will tell you sucks serious ass (or even great big hairy donkey balls).

So in that case… I would have to say I agree with Sandy (a reviewer with AAR) in her post Is she a grown-up or not?

I personally thought that she spent a bit too much time feelin’ and basking in the love here. I guess she also felt the sting.

Well I would agree if that was what I thought Lisa Valdez’s point was in her post. I took it like Meljean did:

she was simply responding to her readers, who were wondering why the book was late, and responding in an honest (and I imagine somewhat embarrassing) manner. How mortifying is it to acknowledge that you let others opinions come between you and your work?

There was no complaint. She said: this was my reaction, and I’ve learned from it — and my book is late, yes, but I’ve moved on.

So putting reviews and message boards aside and focusing on ‘Hate Mail’ I can understand why Lisa had some problems with it. Why would a person feel the need to write an author and tell them how horrid, bad, filthy, wrong, fucked up, name your shit here – their book is?

That seems some what stalkerish. Reviews are for readers. Blogs and message boards are for discussion. And if an author ASKS you… what did you think. Well email the hell out of them.

But what drives someone to email some stranger and tell them they are fucked?

And what makes it okay? Just because as sandy sez:

I’m sorry that you think I’m being harsh. I think I’m just expecting Ms. Valdez to be a professional.

Hate mail is a bitch. But complain to your writer’s loops — Ms. Valdez was hardly blazing a trail here, they’ve all gotten hate mail before. Complain to your editor and your agent. They’re there to support you.

Clearly, Kristie J, her explanation was enough for you. But while I wouldn’t call you a patsy for your position, you seem to have no problem calling my earlier post superior. And, honestly, that’s kind of insulting.

But I’m a big girl. I’ll smile and suck it up and move on. I respect you and have always respected you, Krisitie (SIC) J, but I think we’ll have to agree to disagree here.

It happens to everyone so authors should just get over it? How do authors feel about it? Is it really something that common? How do you deal with it? Will anyone else admit to it *g*.

What makes an email turn from Feedback to Hate Mail? And anyone who has ever sent negative feedback to an author they didn’t know, what made you do it? What caused that reaction?

And hey if nothing else… if a person hates a book enough to feel the need to email, couldn’t you say you still did a good job as a writer?

At the heart of it. Like it or not, there is no right or wrong answer as far as Lisa Valdez’s post goes. It is how she felt. It is what she did to take care of what she saw as a problem. And I for one appreciate an author being honest. No matter if I agree or no.

Maybe that is just me…

And this is always fun:
You ARE what you WRITE