As readers, if a book sucks who do you think is responsible?

Is it the author? Because the book first, last and always is their creation…

Is it the editor? Because they bought it (at least with ebooks right?) and their job is to prepare the book for publication.

Is it the reader? Because we all have different tastes and just because one person thinks a book sucks rocks, there is someone else to think it is the book evah.

Is it the publisher? Because you know there are more than a few people that think Avon killed the historical star.

Or none of the above and bad books just happen…

This is something I started to give thought to while blog hopping last night. I think it was on angiew blog that one of her author’s said something along the lines of if something is bad it is their fault (the author) but good reviews reflect on both the author and editor.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am sure kissing your editors ass is a good thing at times, although I would hope not a must *g*. But that sort of stopped me … because to me… if you except the positive you also except the negative. And isn’t it the job of the editor to correct, revise, and keep an author from killing his/her book?

How much control does an editor have over the final product? If you buy a book, love the book, work with the author on a book and then for whatever reason do not feel the final product is a good book – can an editor kill the book? Does an author HAVE to make changes suggested by the editor, or does that depend on the line and editor?

The book I ended up thinking about is Lord Ruin by Caroline Jewel. I LOVE this book. But have always thought of it as… this book would have seriously rocked if it had a better editor. Now this is without ever discussing this with the author so my thoughts are nothing more than mine. But the book reads like it had many things added, taken away and then added. And the flow comes across as choppy in parts and like certain ideas may have been added or story lines cut without removing all of the references to them.

But the writing, plot and characters are for the most part grand. Caroline Jewel has a great style I really want to see what she can do next. And still hope The Rake (or whatever the title is now) gets published some day.

So my thoughts on this… combined with lurking through a handful of editor blogs last night lead me to wonder if I was being fair. Unlike many I don’t (didn’t… jury is still out right now on this one) think Avon is to blame for killing many a good writer. Because regardless of whatever rules they do or don’t have – each author has the right to print with them or not.

So if you take your grand novel, sell it to Avon, and they tell you ‘love it but you must do this to it’ and then your grand novel turns into grand suckage – well you did it. It is your name on the book as the writer. Or not? Once you sell that grand novel, do you as a writer lose control over the book? I am not really clear on this.

And lets say you have no choice, lets say you have another book due with them, well what do you do? Become Dara Joy?!? I mean you can’t really come out and say Publisher X sucks ass and fucked up my book. Because then you would never eat lunch in this town again. Or can you?

Although at the end of the day, regardless of who would really be at fault or not, it seems to me the person who will take the most hits from the booksuckage will always be the writer.