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Tweet Southern Fried Chicas Just Another Damn Group Blog Amie who shall always be cece in my mind Raine Denise McDonald Michelle Miles Go visit… I still don’t get the myspace thing… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to...


Tweet …as I was putting the label on the ebuzz stuff I came across this post. Which greatly amused me since jane is a fan of hers. hee shows what I know Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new...

No tell us what you really think…

Tweet Chick lit is a genre with a formulaic plot that most of us can see coming from 300 pages away: pretty, flawed girl makes her way around the big city in fabulous Jimmy Choos, regularly pausing between frappuccinos to fret about her diet, shop, dodge her...

The Blame Game

Tweet As readers, if a book sucks who do you think is responsible? Is it the author? Because the book first, last and always is their creation… Is it the editor? Because they bought it (at least with ebooks right?) and their job is to prepare the book for...