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What a Gentleman Wants

September 06.


Do I read my finished books:


It’s a sick habit, and I always find a typo, but by the time the book comes out, it’s been so long since I wrote it, it’s like a whole new story to me: hey, I wrote that?

The hero did what? Wow…who knew?

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It’s almost like revisiting a prior life–although it may just be proof that I am losing my mind.

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Have I always wanted to be a writer:

Nope. I spent college trying NOT to write (see: math major; problem sets). It left more time for TV viewing and partying.

How long does it take to write a book:

One bottle of Kahlua, three viewings of Pride and Prejudice (BBC version), and multiple batches of chocolate cookies.

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Plus a zillion hours of web surfing, aka ‘research.’

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Where do I get my ideas:

In the shower. Sometimes at the grocery market. And once at the dentist’s office.

What’s next:

What A Rogue Desires, in September 2007 (or thereabouts).
What A Rogue Desires
Anyone who reads What A Gentleman Wants will probably be able to guess who the rogue is.

It wasn’t my plan to write that book, but (honest) my editor asked for it.

Now it is your turn!Have a question for Caroline? Go for it!