I like Anne Stuart and Patrica Potter. Or at least cindy’s fanishness has rubbed off on me and I like Potter’s westerns. But the blog makes me want to break out into song.

There are a hell of a lot of blogs out there I didn’t know existed. Who knew? Oddly enough I haven’t been able to find the one angie spoke of… not that I have searched for it. Okay maybe I did…

Speaking of Anne Stuart, why hasn’t anyone posted an up in arms post at RT or AAR about Cheryl Holt’s last book, it had a villain who had no problems with screwing men or women. I am thinking it is because people haven’t been able to read that far into the book (that could just be me). Or it is OK for a villain but not the hero.

There is the delightful Why do you think “erotica” is so popular? thread. Which leads me to ask, has Kate Douglas ever posted anywhere without pimping Wolf Tales? She should follow Viva Anna’s lead, not that anyone asked me.

I frantically finished two books today for a contest I didn’t realize was due. Oops…

Speaking of web searching… what was Gaelen Foley thinking when she wrote Princess? I like the book, even after a recent reread. I admit I am a sucker for a bodyguard/hero and the age thing isn’t an issue for me. But there is that pure what the fuck moment with the breast milk. I will say it, I googled! And all I found were tales of women breast feeding kids that they adopted after a whole hell of a lot of work.

So the virgin giving off milk just uh, odd. WHY I ask! WHY? All right I have officially given this too much thought.

Beta Blogger is so sucking on the commenting thing. I am sorry! So far the only thing I have come up with is use the ‘other’ option. Have I said I am sorry karens?

Oh and Pam these two threads came from me spending too much time on message boards recently more than anything.

I tend to not notice editing too much, unless I am bored. And that is a different problem all together. I am one of those readers who read to be entertained more than educated or enlightened. I am not saying a book can’t do both but give me a good story, make me lose myself in your world and I can forgive a lot.