From Tanzy Talk:
Berkley has pulled Nina Bangs’ WICKED PLEASURE that went on sale 6/6/06 from bookshelves. When I contacted Nina, she says Berkley’s official statement is: The publisher has recalled the books because of a problem with the cover. It will reissue the book shortly with a new cover design. At the time of writing this column, I’ve still not heard a response to my query to Berkley as to when they plan on reissuing WICKED PLEASURE, or what the cover will look like, so we can update our database.
Eh? What? I have never heard of a book being pulled. Oddness. If you go to amazon you can buy it for 69.99. LOL if you have a copy, quick make a fast buck ;).
Odd indeed. If you go to Amazon U.K. it’s still on sale there ~ in stock!!
So here i am checking out the background to see if there’s some sort of hidden word or picture (like back in the 70’s where supposedly you’d play a record backwards and hear stuff like: “Serve Satan!” lol )
I’m guessing it has something to do with the cover quote – ie, maybe it wasn’t meant for this book. But, that’s just a guess.
Um, is it because the cover model looks terrible with his weird shadows and hair growth?
Well hell, yer right about the price of the ones they pulled.
I’d buy one for investment purposes.
(ok maybe not THAT big of an investment, but an extra $50 is and extra $50)
Just make sure it’s not an ARC!
::evil grin::
I’d like to hear the story behind this! It has to be something *interesting* for a publisher to do a call back. That’d be pretty costly, I’m thinking
It can’t have anything to do with bad cover art because that’s just too funny. Even if it had the wrong backblurb they would probably leave it alone. As to cover quotes, it doesn’t matter which book it goes on I *think* as long as it was given to the author. (eg, they can use the same cover blurbs for all books published by author X even when they were given for another book – at least that was how it worked the last time I heard. Correct me if I’m wrong.)
The only other thing is that the cover is not for the story.
Other than that, it’s something else entirely
I’ve seen the new cover; I just checked to see if it was on her site yet, but not. Definitely new cover art. Same cover quote.
…So here i am checking out the background to see if there’s some sort of hidden word or picture…
Jaye, I did the same thing–lol!!
Perhaps it’s a dispute with the cover artist or something along those lines.
But ooph, the original IS a horrid cover.